Beschaffungen: CAO Central Allocation Office GmbH (CAO) and Capacity Allocation Service Company. EU S.A. (CASC) (joint tender/award)

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CAO Central Allocation Office GmbH (CAO) and Capacity Allocation Service Company. EU S.A. (CASC) (joint tender/award) war in der Vergangenheit ein Käufer von IT-Dienste: Beratung, Software-Entwicklung, Internet und Hilfestellung, softwareprogrammierung und -beratung und programmierung von Softwarepaketen.

Jüngste Beschaffungen durch CAO Central Allocation Office GmbH (CAO) and Capacity Allocation Service Company. EU S.A. (CASC) (joint tender/award)

2014-08-08   IT system for coordinated transmission capacity allocation and related services (CAO Central Allocation Office GmbH (CAO) and Capacity Allocation Service Company. EU S.A. (CASC) (joint tender/award))
Transmission system operators (TSOs) of by the European Commission predefined regions have to provide a coordinated market-based, transparent and non-discriminating mechanism in order to allocate cross border electricity transmission capacity to market participants according to the relevant EU legislation, especially the EC Regulation 714/2009/EC. Publication of the information and other aspects related to the allocation process are further regulated in particular in EC Regulation 543/2013/EC and … Ansicht der Beschaffung »