2014-01-30Social Work Services for British Forces Germany (DE&S Commercial, DE&S)
Social work and related services. The Ministry of Defence (MOD) requires provision of a social work service to meet its responsibilities in overseas locations to British military personnel, entitled UK civil servants, authorised UK-based contractor personnel, and their dependants.
The requirement is to provide a social work service for personnel in British Forces Germany (BFG) and in a number of other overseas locations. These other locations include (but are not necessarily limited to) BATUS in Canada …
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2013-09-12Bus and Coach Services British Forces Germany (DE&S Commercial, DE&S)
Road transport services. The requirement is to establish a service to transport members of the British Forces Germany (BFG) community and their families around the facilities within the BFG area (Schools, Airports, Ranges, Adventure Training facilities etc). The proposed service commencement date shall be 1.9.2014. Potential tenderers will be required to have a minimum of ISO 9001:2008 - Quality Management System accreditation.
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2012-10-02The Supply of Bulk Fuel to BFG (DE&S Commercial, DE&S)
Diesel fuel. “The Authority has a requirement for the supply of Bulk Fuel to the British Forces in Germany. Deliveries are required to military units in North Rhein Westphalia and Lower Saxony in Germany. There are also sporadic requirements for deliveries to exercise units in Germany, Poland and other places in Europe.
A further requirement exists for the collection of Bulk Fuel by military vehicles from the contractor's installations.
This requirement is for the supply, delivery and collection of an …
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2012-03-21Provision of social work services in overseas locations (DE&S Commercial, DE&S)
Social work services. Social work services.
The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has responsibility for providing social work services for British military personnel, entitled UK civil servants and their dependants based in overseas locations. This requirement is currently met in Germany, Belgium and Cyprus through a contracted-out service. The current contract ends on 31.3.2013. After this time it is intended to bring together the social work services for all overseas bases within one contract. This will cater …
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