Beschaffungen: European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), JRC.G – Nuclear Safety and Security (Karlsruhe), JRC.G.1 – JRC Sites, Radiopro

2 archivierte Beschaffungen

European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), JRC.G – Nuclear Safety and Security (Karlsruhe), JRC.G.1 – JRC Sites, Radiopro war in der Vergangenheit ein Käufer von laborgeräte, optische Geräte und Präzisionsgeräte (außer Gläser), elektrische Maschinen, Geräte, Ausstattung und Verbrauchsartikel; Beleuchtung und elektrische Ausrüstung.

Jüngste Beschaffungen durch European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), JRC.G – Nuclear Safety and Security (Karlsruhe), JRC.G.1 – JRC Sites, Radiopro

2022-10-19   Alpha-tight Encasement for Glove Box Dismantling (European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), JRC.G – Nuclear Safety and Security (Karlsruhe), JRC.G.1 – JRC Sites, Radiopro)
The JRC Karlsruhe plans to purchase an alpha-tight encasement for the dismantling of glove boxes at the JRC Karlsruhe premises. The glove box dismantling, as all other activities within the JRC Karlsruhe involving the handling of radioactive materials, ought to comply with all safety specifications to be applied in a controlled area of a nuclear facility. It follows from precisely these safety considerations that the glove boxes at the JRC Karlsruhe must only be scrapped in an alpha-tight encasement that … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
2022-07-26   Supply of a Criticality Alarm System for the JRC Karlsruhe (European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), JRC.G – Nuclear Safety and Security (Karlsruhe), JRC.G.1 – JRC Sites, Radiopro)
The JRC Karlsruhe plans to purchase a criticality alarm system. Rooms where larger quantities of fissile material are handled need to be monitored for criticality. Dedicated detectors shall measure the gamma dose rate occurring in the event of a criticality and shall trigger a criticality alarm if a limit value is exceeded. The alarm shall be signalled visually and acoustically on site (also displayed before access to the monitored rooms) and transmitted to the control room (optical and acoustic signalling). Ansicht der Beschaffung »