Beschaffungen: European Commission, JRC - Joint Research Centre, JRC.G - Nuclear Safety and Security (Karlsruhe), JRC.G.I.5 - Advanced Nuclear

2 archivierte Beschaffungen

European Commission, JRC - Joint Research Centre, JRC.G - Nuclear Safety and Security (Karlsruhe), JRC.G.I.5 - Advanced Nuclear war in der Vergangenheit ein Käufer von mineralölerzeugnisse, Brennstoff, Elektrizität und andere Energiequellen, elektrizität, Heizung, Sonnen- und Kernenergie und kernbrennstoffe.

Jüngste Beschaffungen durch European Commission, JRC - Joint Research Centre, JRC.G - Nuclear Safety and Security (Karlsruhe), JRC.G.I.5 - Advanced Nuclear

2018-05-15   Transport of fissile material from JRC Karlsruhe (Germany) to the United States of America, France and United Kingdom (European Commission, JRC - Joint Research Centre, JRC.G - Nuclear Safety and Security (Karlsruhe), JRC.G.I.5 - Advanced Nuclear )
The JRC-Karlsruhe plans a conclusion of a service contract for the organisation and execution of the transport of fissile material. The service shall cover the transport of the material from the origin location in Karlsruhe (Germany) to various destinations including the provision of packages, organisation, administrative procedures and related services needed; according to the applicable law and rules of the concerned countries (origin, transfer and destination). Ansicht der Beschaffung »
2018-02-02   Supply of Actinium-225 for nuclear medicine applications (European Commission, JRC - Joint Research Centre, JRC.G - Nuclear Safety and Security (Karlsruhe), JRC.G.I.5 - Advanced Nuclear )
The Ac-225 is needed for support of research (clinical trials and preclinical tests) in the field of targeted alpha immunotherapy. The material will be used for the production of medical preparations. Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: JSC Isotope