Jüngste Beschaffungen durch Flughafen Zweibrücken GmbH
2014-08-29Sale of assets of Zweibrücken Airport — Invitation for submission of an Expression of Interest (Flughafen Zweibrücken GmbH)
On July 25, 2014 district court of Zweibruecken passed a ruling to open a preliminary insolvency procedure over the assets of Flughafen Zweibruecken GmbH. Dr. Jan Marcus Plathner, attorney-at-law at Brinkmann and Partner, has been appointed as preliminary insolvency administrator.
Zweibruecken airport is located in central Europe and covers a 200 km catchment area with 15 000 000 inhabitants. Since its official opening in 1994 Zweibruecken airport has been an attractive cargo site and can be approached …
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