2015-05-13   Provision of support on the development and review of internal models (European Central Bank)
The ECB intends to contract highly-qualified external service providers which shall provide the ECB with support on the development of a methodology and processes for review of internal models, and the actual review of internal models. Only highly-qualified external service providers with experience in the following will be selected: (i) the assessment of credit institutions' internal models; (ii) conducting horizontal analysis of internal models; (iii) analysing the drivers of the variability of … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: Accenture GmbH & Co KG d-fine GmbH Deloitte and Touche GmbH... Ernst and Young GmbH... GMS Management Solutions S.L. KPMG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft McKinsey & Company Inc. PwC EU Services EESV The Boston Consulting Group GmbH