Anbieter: ALG Global Infrastructure Advisors, S.L.U.

2 archivierte Beschaffungen

Neuere Beschaffungen, bei denen der Anbieter ALG Global Infrastructure Advisors, S.L.U. erwähnt wird

2023-03-31   Data for Safety (D4S) – Big Data and Analysis Services – Development (DEV) Phase (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA))
Further to the successful proof-of-concept phase, which collected and analysed inputs from across the aviation system (including safety reports, flight data from air operators, traffic data from the ATM system plus weather data but any data sources, data sets or data bases that adds value to our understanding of the aviation landscape), the main objectives of the DEV phase of the Data4Safety Programme, subject of this procedure, is to progressively expand the membership to more stakeholders of the … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: ALG Global Infrastructure Advisors S.L.U. ALG Global Infrastructure Advisors, S.L.U. Paradigma Digital S.L.
2022-05-30   Horizon Europe Project: Digital Transformation – Case Studies for Aviation Safety Standards (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA))
The research project aims at evaluating a series of changes applied to aviation products, processes and operations resulting from the deployment of new digital solutions with a focus on measuring the impact on safety standards and regulatory materials as well as to prepare their evolution. The project will build upon a series of case studies allowing to develop a comprehensive investigation of the key changes at stake, by developing several working examples (use cases and conceptual models), analysing … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: ALG Global Infrastructure Advisors, S.L.U. FPT Software Europe SARL Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte...