Anbieter: BRL Ingienierie

2 archivierte Beschaffungen

BRL Ingienierie war in der Vergangenheit ein Lieferant von versorgungsunternehmen, wasserversorgungsunternehmen und zugehörige Dienste und wasserversorgung.

Neuere Beschaffungen, bei denen der Anbieter BRL Ingienierie erwähnt wird

2022-08-08   81286882 - Transboundary Water Management in SADC (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH)
The Government of Lesotho, with support from the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, has embarked on an ambitious "National Programme for Integrated Catchment Management (ReNoka)" ("re noka" in Sesotho means "we are a river"). Its aim is to rehabilitate degraded watersheds across the country and to put in place prevention measures that will halt the further degradation of Lesotho"s catchment areas. The sustainable management of Lesotho"s catchments are … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: BRL Ingienierie
2020-08-07   81258808 — Preparation of a Nile River Basin Management Plan and a Nile Basin Investment Program (Phase I) (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH)
Nile basin countries face increasing challenges of meeting the requirements of their rapidly growing populations, which result in intensification of utilizing the Nile waters e.g. for agricultural and energy purposes. Individual riparian countries are embarking on major developments of water resources infrastructure, which can have major implications for the basins water resources. The Nile Basin countries, through the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) have now shown commitment to put in place a Nile River … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: BRL Ingienierie WE Consult