Anbieter: Consortium lead by "GFA Consulting Group GmbH" with Conflict Management Consulting (Brussels, Belgium) and Mazuris SASU (Paris,

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Neuere Beschaffungen, bei denen der Anbieter Consortium lead by "GFA Consulting Group GmbH" with Conflict Management Consulting (Brussels, Belgium) and Mazuris SASU (Paris, erwähnt wird

2021-02-03   Framework Agreement for Consulting Services in Fragile Contexts (KfW Bankengruppe)
The ‘Framework Agreement for Consulting Services in Fragile Contexts’ (FA) shall serve to mobilise expertise more easily and speed up the preparation of required expert input for project identification and preparation and improve the quality of consulting services through longer-term engagement of skillful service providers on the basis of module ToR’s such as: 1) Pre-feasibility study; 2) Environmental and Social Due Diligence (ESDD); 3) Analysis of the Project Executing Agency (PEA); 4) Peace and … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
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