2015-09-25   Provision of consultancy and agency services on market infrastructure and payments (European Central Bank)
European Central Bank (hereinafter: ECB) Directorate General Market Infrastructure and Payment systems (hereinafter: DG/MIP) manages all issues related to payment, clearing and securities settlement systems. These issues comprise the oversight of payment and settlement systems and of payment schemes, the development, management, client relationship and further enhancement of the Target and Target2-Securities systems, the monitoring of the CCBM, as well as the policy issues concerning market … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: Bourse Consult LLP Capimvest SA Cognizant Energy and Financial Services... CSC Deutschland GmBH d-fine GmbH Granularity Ltd IBM Deutschland GmbH JMG Consulting (Jean-Michel Godeffroy,... KPMG Luxembourg, Société Coopérative Kurt Salmon Luxembourg S.A. La Compagnie des Sept Bonniers S.A. Oliver Wyman GmbH Onenne Partsch PwC EU Services EESV Ruben Lee (natural person), trading as... SIA S.p.A. Sopra Steria GmbH Tata Consultancy Services Deutschland GmbH