Supply of personal radiation detectors and radioisotope identifiers for Eusectra training centre
The Institute for Transuranium Elements in Karlsruhe, Germany intends to purchase the following radiation detection equipment in order to equip the European Nuclear Security Training Centre (Eusectra):
1) personal radiation detectors (PRDs) type 1 — pager-sized high-sensitivity devices for the search for radioactive materials;
2) personal radiation detectors (PRDs) type 2 — pager-sized high-sensitivity devices for the search for the nuclear and radioactive materials;
3) spectrometric personal radiation detectors (SPRDs) — pocket-sized and worn on the body for the purpose of rapid detection, search and identification of radioactive materials;
4) multi-purpose hand-held radionuclide identification devices (RID) type 1 — intended to:
(i) detect, locate and identify radioactive and nuclear materials; and, simultaneously;
(ii) provide reasonably accurate measurements of the gamma dose rate and the measured neutron count rate;
5) multi-purpose hand-held radionuclide identification devices (RID) type 2 — intended to:
(i) detect, locate and identify radioactive and nuclear materials and, simultaneously;
(ii) provide reasonably accurate measurements of the gamma dose rate and the measured neutron count rate;
6) multi-purpose hand-held radionuclide identification devices (RID) type 3 — intended to:
(i) detect, locate and identify radioactive and nuclear materials and, simultaneously;
(ii) provide reasonably accurate measurements of the gamma dose rate and the measured neutron count rate.
The purchase shall cover the delivery and installation of the complete equipment, including training and other related services.
Die Frist für den Eingang der Angebote war 2011-09-16.
Die Ausschreibung wurde veröffentlicht am 2011-08-01.
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