Feasibility study and preparation of a pilot project for higher and professional education finance in Southeast Europe WBIF Countries
In 2011, KfW commissioned a Pre-Feasibility Study on Higher Education Finance in Southeast Europe and Turkey. The aim of the Pre-Feasibility Study was (i) to gain an overall understanding of existing higher education student finance schemes worldwide, (ii) to undertake a first country specific analysis of selected countries in Southeast Europe (Kosovo*, Serbia, Turkey) and (iii) to develop potential concepts to support higher education student finance in Southeast Europe.
In that regard, consultancy services are necessary to prepare a Feasibility study and a pilot project for higher and professional education student finance in Southeast Europe WBIF countries. The consultancy assignment subject to this procurement will be implemented in 2 phases:
— Phase 1 will cover the countries Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Kosovo*,
— In an optional Phase 2 additional WBIF countries (e.g. former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) could be added.
The objective of the consultancy assignment in Phase 1 is to:
— Prepare a Feasibility Study and develop a pilot project for a student loan facility in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Kosovo*,
— Design a model for a regional student loan programme in Southeast Europe.
Expected outputs of the consultancy assignment are:
(1) In-depth country-specific analysis in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Kosovo*;
(2) In-depth demand survey among students on student financing and a potential student loan facility in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Kosovo*;
(3) Assessment of various finance and risk-sharing models for a student loan facility in each country and assessment of the feasibility of a regional facility;
(4) Development of a comprehensive project concept (Institutional Design Report) for each country;
(5) Preparation of a pilot project with interested financial institutions in each country;
(6) Development of possible models for a student finance programme in Southeast Europe;
(7) Design, preparation and implementation of appropriate fora for stakeholder consultations at national and regional level (cross-cutting);
(8) Development of terms of reference for an implementation consultant.
In an optional Phase 2 feasibility studies and pilot projects for additional WBIF countries (e.g. former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and other countries still to be determined) will be prepared. Results and lessons-learned of Phase 1 shall be taken into account in Phase 2 and in case Phase 2 will commence before the termination of Phase 1, preliminary results of Phase 2 shall be considered in Phase 1.
* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independance.
Die Frist für den Eingang der Angebote war 2012-09-06.
Die Ausschreibung wurde veröffentlicht am 2012-08-08.
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