German green cooling initiative

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ)

German Green Cooling Initiative.
Within the framework of international climate negotiations in Cancun (Conference of Parties, COP 16) a preliminary structure of a technology mechanism was agreed to create a technology executive committee (TEC) and a Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) in order to accelerate the technology transfer within and between developing countries. By using cleaner technologies, the transition to a low carbon economy is possible. The TEC / CTCN mechanism supports developing countries in planning and implementing mitigation measures with appropriate technologies, makes practical implementation tools available to developing countries, analyzes the selection of appropriate mitigations technologies for the COP and evaluates them for financial support. The TEC has been mandated to establish the process in 2012 (onwards).
Refrigeration and air conditioning are responsible for approx. 10-15 % of global greenhouse gas emissions, with an above-average growth of 7 % per year by 2050 (IEA). About 1/3 of these emissions are caused by the consumption of refrigerants (direct emissions) and 2/3 by energy consumption (indirect emissions). Direct refrigerant emissions have the highest global warming potential (ca. 1.000 to 14.800) of all non-CO2 emissions and represent about 5 % of global GHG. Cooling devices consume about 22 % of the electrical energy in developing countries. Due to the rising temperatures, urbanization and economic growth, the demand of cooling and air conditioning is steadily increasing. Existing refrigeration and air conditioning equipment, especially in developing countries are still based on outdated technologies, generally with high energy consumption and the use of halogenated refrigerants with high GWP. By 2050, direct emissions can be avoided completely by using alternative technologies. Indirect emissions and energy consumption can be reduced by over 50 % with already available technology.
The programme GIZ Proklima has managed more than 200 projects in over 30 developing countries during the last 15 years. This experience shows that the main barriers in developing countries for the introduction of alternative, environmentally friendly technologies are insufficient information on alternative technologies, access to technology, the supply of components, alternative refrigerants, qualified services, financing, operation and technical standards for operational safety and certification standards.
Through TEC/CTCN the project gives recommendations how to accelerate the transfer and the promotion of innovative and environmentally friendly technologies in the refrigeration and air conditioning sector. Recommendations are based on needs and opportunities for the implementation in developing countries. The project establishes three areas of technology partnerships with selected network partners in target countries. It focuses on sectors, where in the short to medium term significant emission savings can be achieved by accelerated technology transfer with relatively little effort; globally, as well as regionally or in large developing countries. The project actively supports the collaboration of technology providers and technology costumers in developing countries. Significant activities of technology partnerships are joint R&D projects, the construction and implementation of prototypes and measures that can help market breakthrough of eco-friendly technologies. In developing countries there is a big interest in German environmentally friendly technology in the refrigeration and air conditioning sector and in strengthening the cooperation with enterprises (including SMEs) and research institutions.
The overall project objective is the implementation of the Cancun decisions to build efficient processes and structures that serve to accelerate the technology transfer for mitigation and adaptation in developing countries.
The following project objectives were defined.
1. The institutionalization of a network on the topic of "Green Cooling" is based on the Cancun decisions on technology networks and supports the work of the TEC and the CTCN.
2. The development of guidelines for the promotion and transfer of innovative cooling technologies in terms of "technology roadmaps" in consultation with stakeholders and official representatives (UNFCCC 1.CP.16, § 121).
3. Recommendations of the network are used by decision makers in the United Nations, professional bodies and the target countries. This accelerates the transfer of innovative cooling technologies in developing countries by means of a higher efficiency of funding decisions and policy making
4. The exemplary implementations of the "technology roadmaps" in the context of international technology partnerships achieve significant emission reductions and increase the availability of technical skills and capabilities in the region.
Contribution to climate protection.
Through this project GHG emissions will be reduced directly as well as indirectly. The direct emission reduction is targeted by establishing and funding specific, measureable technology partnerships that lead to additional introduction and dissemination of GHG-reducing projects and technological innovations in developing countries. Additional emission reductions will be achieved by capacity-building and subsequently by multiplying and replication measures. Through the technology roadmaps and the implementation in the project countries a binding determination of technologies with corresponding emission reductions compared to the business as usual is achieved in the medium to longer term.

Die Frist für den Eingang der Angebote war 2012-08-05. Die Ausschreibung wurde veröffentlicht am 2012-07-04.




Geschichte der Beschaffung
Datum Dokument
2012-07-04 Auftragsbekanntmachung