Helicopter Transportation Services
Supply of helicopter transport services for transport of personnel between Norden airport (alternatively Emden airport or another airfield in the area) and the offshore Borkum Riffgrund Windfarm 1 during the installation of the wind-turbines and during the operation and maintenance phase and possibly the same services for the offshore Borkum Riffgrund Windfarm 2.
The frame agreement will include offshore/hoisting operations on offshore substation and wind-turbines foundations/transition pieces.
The following needs are expected (indicative/subject to change):
A) Offshore wind-farm Borkum Riffgrund 1 - Installation of wind-turbines phase
1) Flights between Norden and offshore sub-station (landing on offshore sub-station helideck)
1.1) Period: 1.8.2013 -> 1.1.2014
2 flights per day morning and afternoon + availability whole day– 7 days a week
Capacity min 5 pax.
1.2) Period: 1.1.2014 -1.8.2014
2 flights per week (morning + return in the evening)
Capacity min 5 pax.
1.3) Period: 1.8.2014 - 1.12.2014
2 flights per day morning and afternoon + availability whole day – 7 days a week
Capacity min 5 pax.
2) Hoisting to transition pieces (wind turbine foundation before the installation of the wind-turbine)
— Period: 1.4.2014 -> 1.9.2014.
— 2 flights per week (morning + return in the evening).
— Capacity min 4 pax.
3) Transport to offshore sub-station and hoisting to wind-turbine
Period: 1.9.2014 -> 28.2.2015.
2 flights per day morning and afternoon + availability whole day – 7 days a week
Capacity min 4 pax.
B) Offshore wind-farm Borkum Riffgrund 2 - Wind-turbines installation phase
All above operations to be performed 10 month later than above.
C) Operation & Maintenance phase for offshore wind-farm Borkum Riffgrund 1
Hoisting to wind-turbines and transport to offshore sub-station from Norden.
Period: 1.9.2014 until 1.4.2015.
Frequency: Summertime low, wintertime high.
Max expected flying hours per year: 400 (progressive increase).
Capacity min 4 pax.
D) Operation & Maintenance phase for offshore wind-farm Borkum Riffgrund 1 & 2
Hoisting to wind-turbines and transport to offshore sub-station from Norden landing base.
Period: 1.7.2015 - 31.12.2016 (progressive increase).
Frequency: Summertime low, wintertime high.
Expected flying hours total/year when max.: 700.
Capacity min 4 pax.
Die Frist für den Eingang der Angebote war 2012-06-04.
Die Ausschreibung wurde veröffentlicht am 2012-05-14.
Die folgenden Lieferanten werden in Vergabeentscheidungen oder anderen Beschaffungsunterlagen erwähnt:
Geschichte der Beschaffung
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Bekanntmachung über vergebene Aufträge