Modernisation of local public services in the Republic of Moldova

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ GmbH

Sector: regional development and public utilities.
GIZ, commissioned by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, BMZ, and with co-financing provided by the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, since 2010 implements the project modernization of local public services in the Republic of Moldova. The project supports local public administrations in improving the service delivery to its citizens. The project activities focus on the sectors water/waste-water; solid waste management, and energy efficiency in public buildings.
The project aims to.
(a) improve the range of services available to the population of nine to twelve selected rural municipalities in three districts. In cooperation with the local authorities, capacity development for planning and implementation in the selected municipalities is supported;
(b) support project partners in their applications for national and international funding through the Regional Development Agencies (RDA) for more efficient and more socially and environmentally sustainable procedures;
(c) support the Ministry of Construction and Regional Development to improve the overall framework for local services in cooperation with the selected municipalities;
(d) support the National Academy for Public Administration in the modernisation of the training curriculum for municipal employees. The objective of the project is closely linked to the National Decentralization Strategy. The project is focusing on improved access of citizens to improved local.
Public service delivery, while helping to identify concepts and models that can contribute to successful implementation of regional development strategies.
Through a recent co-financing agreement with the Swedish Agency for International Development Cooperation (SIDA) the scope of the GIZ-project will be expanded to include support to participatory regional planning, budgeting as well as monitoring & evaluation.
In the scope of the SIDA contribution to the BMZ project, a consulting firm or a consortium of firms is invited to:
Support the 3 existing RDAs in updating their Regional Operation Plans (in the sectors mentioned above),
Support the 3 existing RDAs in developing project pipelines (‘pre-feasibility studies’),
Additional co-financing to be granted by another development partner is currently being negotiated. Pending a positive decision by this development partner, the firm of consultants would be requested to cover the additional thematic area of local road repair and maintenance as well as carrying out feasibility studies, environmental impact assessments and the preparation of technical design documents for the investment projects identified in the Regional Operation Plans.
The scope of requested services would then additionally include:
Conducting participatory and integrated planning for local and regional road repairs and maintenance and prepare respective ‘pre-feasibility studies’ for updating the regional operational plans,
Carrying out feasibility studies, environmental impact assessments and preparation of technical design documents, based on the priority investment projects identified in the regional operation plans by local stakeholders.
Interested bidders would be required to demonstrate experience in carrying out feasibility studies and (where applicable) environmental impact assessments for public infrastructure projects in water supply and sanitation, solid waste management, energy efficiency in public infrastructure, and for roads on a local / rayon level.
Interested bidders need to include Moldovan service providers certified to conduct drawings of construction design documents, environmental impact assessment etc.

Die Frist für den Eingang der Angebote war 2012-02-19. Die Ausschreibung wurde veröffentlicht am 2012-01-20.




Geschichte der Beschaffung
Datum Dokument
2012-01-20 Auftragsbekanntmachung