Beschaffung eines Lebendzell-Fluoreszenzmikroskops mit konfokaler Option über Spinning Disk

NMI Naturwissenschaftliches und Medizinisches Institut an der Universität Tübingen

Beschaffung eines Lebendzell-Fluoreszenzmikroskops mit konfokaler Option über Spinning Disk mit u.a. folgenden Eigenschaften:
- Fully motorised inverted microscope for bright field, phase contrast, fluorescence and DIC.
- Confocal imaging via improved Nipkow-Disk with microlenses (Yokogawa; tunable speed 1 500 - 5 000 rpm); fixed 4-band dichroic 405 nm + 488 nm + 561 nm + 640 nm and fast filter wheel for emissions at 450/50, 525/50, 605/70 and 690/50 nm.
- Laser rack with solid state lasers controlled by AOTF: 405 nm, 488 nm, 561 nm, 638 nm.
- Apo-chromatic corrected epifluorescence with fiber-coupled illumination including integrated high speed shutter (TTL-controllable).
- Filtersets for BFP, eGFP, DsRed2 and DRAQ5 detection in epifluorescence mode.
- LED-based illumination for transmitted light.
- Plan Neofluar non-immersion optics: 10x [PH] working distance (wd): 5.2 mm, 20x [PH] wd: 7,4-8,4 mm, 40x wd: 2,5-3,3 mm. High resolution Plan Apochromat 20x [DIC] with N.A. 0,8, 40x [DIC] immersion lens with N.A. 1,4 and 63x [DIC] life cell imaging immersion lens with insulation ring for optimized temperature at the specimen.
- CCD camera (monochrome) with resolution of at least 1 388x 1 040 pixel at a size of 6,45 microns x 6,45 microns and available binning. Image acquisition speed up to 14 fps at full frame, 50 fps at 5x binning. Software integrated TTL out.
- Automated fast focus correction via coverslip detection.
- Motorized z-focus drive with minimum resolution of 10 nm. Additional fast Piezo stage focus with minimum 150 µm z-range and 5mm/sec z-travel speed.
- XY stage with minimum travel range 110 x 90 mm, 0,1 µm resolution with 7 mm/sec travel. Specimen holders for slides, petri dishes and microtiter plates.
- Stage-attached CO2 incubator for live cell imaging compatible with Petri dishes & multiwell plates etc. Big temperature incubator covering major parts of the microscope stand. Temperature and atmosphere completely software controlled during time series with continuous reporting.
- Online display screen with microscope control for vibration free control of z-focus, automated focus correction and other motorized functions. Contrast manager for fast switching between DIC, phase contrast and fluorescence.
- Air damped anti-vibration table.
- Option for a dual camera upgrade for spinning disk-detection at full-frame, fully compatible to the quoted system e.g. incubation, table, software.
- Imaging Workstation and Software
High end Windows™ workstation with Xeon 4-Core 3,3 GHz or comparable processor, 2 GB graphic board with OpenGL, SSD for operating system, 4 TB RAID 10 for data acquisition and storage, 30” monitor.
64bit imaging software for multi-threaded multi-core processors.
Integrated software tool for automatic hardware setup/proposition of light sources, beam path in reference to dyes and acquisition speed requests.
Software allowing inhomogeneous acquisition experiments. Free definition of sequences of time series, multi-time series, channels, z-stacks, tiles, positions.
Module for automatic scanning of predefined sample areas plus acquisition of images according to a position list.
Support for focus correction maps, stitching and shading correction. Compatible with software and hardware autofocus.
Automatic acquisition of overview tile scans at low magnification.
Freehand drawing of regions of interest at different positions in the overview image for subsequential scanning at high magnification.
Plugin for Open Source Programs ImageJ and Fiji.

Die Frist für den Eingang der Angebote war 2013-05-31. Die Ausschreibung wurde veröffentlicht am 2013-04-24.

Die folgenden Lieferanten werden in Vergabeentscheidungen oder anderen Beschaffungsunterlagen erwähnt:



Geschichte der Beschaffung
Datum Dokument
2013-04-24 Auftragsbekanntmachung
2013-09-30 Bekanntmachung über vergebene Aufträge