Framework Agreement for the Provision of Temporary Employment Services
FMS Wertmanagement AöR ("FMS-WM") is an organizationally and economically independent institution under public law with partial legal capacity within the Financial Market Stabilization Authority (FMSA) in Germany. By resolution of July 8, 2010 the steering committee of the FMSA formally founded FMS-WM in accordance with §
8a FMStFG [Financial Markets Stabilization Act] and enacted its statutes.
As of October 1, 2010, FMS-WM assumed risk positions and non-strategic divisions from Hypo Real Estate Holding AG and its direct and indirect subsidiaries and SPEs in Germany and abroad (collectively the HRE group) for the purpose of stabilizing the HRE group and the overall financial markets and will settle these in accordance with economic principles. Thereby minimizing losses and realizing opportunities for income.
FMS Wertmanagement Service GmbH ("FMS-SG") is a wholly owned subsidiary of FMS-WM.
In the course of this invitation to tender FMS-WM is seeking more service providers with whom they can conclude framework agreements. FMS-WM will procure the services for which the invitation to tender has been offered for the benefit of FMS-SG. FMS is acting in name and on behalf of FMS-SG.
In this EU-Announcement to the extent that no differentiation is made between FMS-WM and FMS-SG, both will be referred to uniformly as "the contracting entities".
FMS-SG intends to cover part of its staff requirements arising in connection with the management of the portfolio by deploying temporary workers. FMS-SG expects a corresponding increase in staff requirements in several of its areas of activity. These areas of activity are:
— Finance & Risk,
— Asset Management,
— Operations (Credit Operations & Market Operations),
— Cross section functions between the named sections.
FMS-SG will retrieve specific personnel proposals in the form of so-called mini-tenders from the framework agreements. With the awarding of the contract in the mini-tender, a temporary employment contract is concluded with the tenderer and the bidding consortium that has submitted the most cost-effective bid.
Moreover, for the provision of services a confidentiality agreement must be provided to the contact named above prior to the submission of the contract award procedure documents. These are made up of contract award terms (contract award procedure document A), forms (contract award procedure document B) and the contract award procedure framework agreement for the provision of services to FMS-SG (contract award procedure document C).
Die Frist für den Eingang der Angebote war 2013-06-14.
Die Ausschreibung wurde veröffentlicht am 2013-05-27.
Die folgenden Lieferanten werden in Vergabeentscheidungen oder anderen Beschaffungsunterlagen erwähnt:
Geschichte der Beschaffung
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Dokument |
Ergänzende Angaben
Bekanntmachung über vergebene Aufträge