Turbine supply agreement for Duben

Vattenfall Europe Windkraft GmbH

The whole project consists of 9 to 11 Wind Turbine Generators (WTGs) incl. foundations, the necessary roads and hardstands, the cables incl. design, manufacturing and installation, as well as the substation, the fiber design, manufacturing and installation. Nine Wind Turbines will be located on a field, two Wind Turbines in a small forest area. The wind farm is located 93 km away from Berlin. The whole site area is 420 ha.
This contract includes all required work for the supply of 9 to 11 Wind Turbine Generators, including foundations. This scope of work consists of the design, engineering, manufacturing, procurement, construction, setting out (according to locations provided by the Employer), delivery, installation, testing, commissioning, initial operation until Take Over and performance testing of the Wind Turbine Generator Units, their towers, foundations and the SCADA system. This contract notice includes also a Long Term Service Agreement (LTSA) for 15 years. Even though the (combined) contractual objects are divided into “supplies“ and “LTSA“ it is common practice in the industry sector to consider the economic efficiency as a whole. Therefore, the decision about the economically most advantageous solution in the tendering procedure will be based on the overall economic efficiency of a tender on both “supplies” and “LTSA”. Thus, a division into single lots would make no economic sense. Tender documents will provide further details on this.
In order to display the accountability for each contractual part clearly, each contractual part, “supplies” on the one hand and “LTSA” on the other, shall be subject to one separate agreement as is common practice in the industry sector. It is possible to enter into two separate agreements with one company who offers both contractual parts in one. Likewise, it is possible, that in case of a respondent consortium, one or more members of the consortium assume the “supplies” whereas one or more members of the consortium assume the “LTSA”. The offering of both contractual parts in one agreement by one respondent shall be excluded. Likewise, the offering of merely one contractual part (e.g. “supplies”) while using a subcontractor for the other part (e.g. “LTSA”) shall also be excluded. The employer desires to select the responsible party directly and to enter into an agreement with such party by himself.
The technical parameters for the requested WTGs are as follows:
- Rotor Diameter min. 110 m and max. 130 m;
- Capacity/WTG: (min.) 2 to (max.) 4 MW;
- Height: 135 m to 165 m hub height;
- Noise level max. 106,5 dB(A).
Further details will be provided with the Invitation to Tender.

Die Frist für den Eingang der Angebote war 2013-12-13. Die Ausschreibung wurde veröffentlicht am 2013-11-08.



Geschichte der Beschaffung
Datum Dokument
2013-11-08 Auftragsbekanntmachung
2013-12-09 Ergänzende Angaben