10 Megawatt High Voltage DC Power Supply

Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) Großforschungsbereich

The envisaged call for tender is for a contract to supply one 10 MW CW High Voltage DC Power Supply (HVDCPS) for the testing and operation of High Power Gyrotrons at the Institute for Pulsed Power and Microwave Technology (IHM) of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). It encompasses detailed design, manufacture, installation and commissioning at the KIT site. The HVDCPS has 2 modes of operation:
1. 90 kV / 120 A Continuous Wave (CW)
2. 130 kV / 120 A short pulse (5 ms every 2 s)
The supplied voltage needs to be extremely stable (max. peak-to-peak ripple voltage < 0.33 % of set value). In order to limit the energy deposited into a short circuit to less than 10 J, the power supply must have an ultra-fast switch-off time (< 5µs). The efficiency of the HVDCPS in steady-state operation at or near the maximum power must be better than 95 %, the power factor better than 0.95.
In order to supply MSDC-gyrotrons (multi-stage depressed collector gyrotrons), voltage taps (at least up to 10) must be possible at intermediate voltages that can freely be chosen in steps of no more than 2 kV over the entire available voltage range.
The HVDCPS will be supplied from the existing KIT 20 kV grid.

Die Frist für den Eingang der Angebote war 2014-05-14. Die Ausschreibung wurde veröffentlicht am 2014-04-03.




Geschichte der Beschaffung
Datum Dokument
2014-04-03 Auftragsbekanntmachung