IT system for coordinated transmission capacity allocation and related services
Transmission system operators (TSOs) of by the European Commission predefined regions have to provide a coordinated market-based, transparent and non-discriminating mechanism in order to allocate cross border electricity transmission capacity to market participants according to the relevant EU legislation, especially the EC Regulation 714/2009/EC. Publication of the information and other aspects related to the allocation process are further regulated in particular in EC Regulation 543/2013/EC and 1227/2011/EC.
Requirements on the allocation process are subject to cross-regional harmonization with the goal to introduce a harmonized set of rules for electricity transmission capacities for the year 2016 and the years following.
CAO (Gute Änger 15, 85356 Freising, Germany) and CASC (2 rue de Bitbourg, 1273 Luxembourg) are the entities acting today as single point of contact for allocation of cross-border electricity transmission capacity for Central Western, Central Southern, Central Eastern Europe and additional external borders of the mentioned regions.
Considering the process of cross-border electricity transmission capacity allocation the functions of CASC and CAO are:
— Allocation of cross-border transmission capacities via long-term and short-time explicit allocationsauctions;
— Providing and operating of necessary supporting services (e.g. billing, risk management, support to secondary market for transmission capacities); and
— Providing of front office services.
As the operational process should be compatible with the allocation rules being recently subject of to harmonization wherever possible, CAO and CASC operational process will be aligned enabling efficient use of the same software supporting the process.
Subject of the procurement will be the delivery of work/services . The contract contains the obligation to provide a complex information system supporting the full scope of CAO and CASC operational processes including IT-software and services for the CASC and CAO as well as all services in terms of -inter alia- analyses, development, installations, tests and dry-run of IT tools to enable CASC and CAO in providing and operating of necessary supporting services (e.g. billing, risk management, support to secondary market for transmission capacities):
— Design specification of necessary Software;
— Software delivery and support and maintenance and future development;
— User training for CASC, CAO, TSO staff and tradersmarket participants.
CASC and CAO consider to include public website including transparency platform which will be closely linked with the provided IT-system. This will be subject for negotiation.
CASC and CAO should acquire the intellectual property rights for the selected system. This will be subject for negotiation.
Hosting is not included. It is expected from the chosen provider to closely cooperate with the IT-host.
CAO and CASC expect delivery for testing in June 2015 (latest). Production should start in September 2015.
CAO and CASC organize and proceed the procurement jointly, taking into account considered merger of both companies. CAO and CASC want to enter jointly also into the agreement which shall enable to the use of the software as one productive installation for the company created by merger of CAO and CASC or as two separate productive installations, one for CAO and one for CASC (see below II.2.2)).
After the merger of CAO and CASC the contract will be transferred upon the new legal entity. Thus, if the merger may be completed successfully, the new legal entity will be the contractual partner of the contractor to be chosen within the present procurement proceedings.
A long term business relationship between CASC, CAO – or the merged entity, respectively - and the chosen supplier is desired.
Die Frist für den Eingang der Angebote war 2014-09-08.
Die Ausschreibung wurde veröffentlicht am 2014-08-08.
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