Provision of electronic trading platforms (ETPs)
The ECB is the central bank for Europe's single currency, the euro. The ECB's main task is to maintain the euro's purchasing power and thus price stability in the euro area. The current euro area comprises the EU countries that have introduced the euro since 1999.
One of the ECB's tasks is management of own funds and foreign reserves.
The ECB's own funds provide it with income to help cover its operating expenses. The portfolio is invested in euro-denominated assets with the objective of maximising returns, subject to the limits imposed in terms of risk.
The ECB's foreign reserves ensure that the ECB has sufficient liquidity to conduct foreign operations if needed. The ECB's foreign reserves portfolio consists of US dollars, Japanese yen, gold and SDRs. The US dollar and Japanese yen reserves are actively managed by the ECB and selected euro area NCBs (acting as agents of the ECB) that wish to be involved in this operational activity. NCBs can opt to pool their operational activities for the management of the ECB's foreign reserves with other NCBs. Each NCB or pool of NCBs usually manages a single US dollar or Japanese yen portfolio as an agent of the ECB.
It is the intention of the ECB to select up to 3 suitable providers of electronic trading platforms (ETPs). Candidates are allowed to bid for 1 or more lots. Each lot will be evaluated separately. The contract with each provider will be set up as a framework agreement.
The tender consists of the following 3 lots:
lot 1: electronic trading platform for euro-denominated bonds;
lot 2: electronic trading platform for USD and JPY-denominated IRS and cash bonds;
lot 3: electronic trading platform for USD and JPY-denominated interest rate futures.
The selected electronic trading platform in lot 1 will serve only the ECB, e.g. in managing its own funds.
The electronic trading platforms procured under lots 2 and 3 may serve the ECB as well as all current and future Eurosystem central banks in conducting operations for the purpose of foreign reserves portfolio management on behalf of the ECB. All current and future Eurosystem members may in addition use the same terms and conditions resulting from this procurement procedure for the management of their own foreign currency reserves.
In addition to requirements related to trade execution, each electronic platform should fulfil a number of requirements associated with trade processing, audit trail and post-trade analysis as well as other requirements specified in the procurement documentation.
The framework agreement will be in place initially for 4 years with a possibility of 2 extensions of 2 years each.
Die Frist für den Eingang der Angebote war 2014-08-01.
Die Ausschreibung wurde veröffentlicht am 2014-06-06.
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