Sale of assets of Zweibrücken Airport — Invitation for submission of an Expression of Interest

Flughafen Zweibrücken GmbH

On July 25, 2014 district court of Zweibruecken passed a ruling to open a preliminary insolvency procedure over the assets of Flughafen Zweibruecken GmbH. Dr. Jan Marcus Plathner, attorney-at-law at Brinkmann and Partner, has been appointed as preliminary insolvency administrator.
Zweibruecken airport is located in central Europe and covers a 200 km catchment area with 15 000 000 inhabitants. Since its official opening in 1994 Zweibruecken airport has been an attractive cargo site and can be approached by all major cargo aircraft's 24 hours per day. The airport complies with aerodrome reference code 4E and offers a runway according to strength classification PCN 75 F/A/W/T. Further information is available at:
The assets of Flughafen Zweibruecken GmbH are to be sold to one or several investors in the course of an open, transparent and unconditional tender procedure. Investors have the option to purchase all assets, units to be defined or single assets. The most economically advantageous tender(s) will be accepted. The sole decisive criteria for the selection of the successful bidder or successful bidders will be the submission of the best economical offer for all assets taking into account transaction security.
Currently the European Union is reviewing the legality of state aid amounts granted. A potential liability born by the purchaser or purchasers for state aid recovery is aimed to be avoided through the implementation of open, transparent and unconditional bidding proceedings according to EU Commission's requirements/European courts.
The sales process will be conducted by perspektiv GmbH. The Expression of Interest for participating in the sales process is to be addressed in text form at the latest by September 22, 2014, 18:00 CEST solely to the contact partner mentioned below. Expressions of Interest received after that date will be considered; however, possible disadvantages resulting from the belated receipt go to the expense of the interested party.
Expressions of Interest must be in English or German. They have to contain the following information: name, address as well as contact details and contact person. Expressions of Interest for third parties (e.g. in case of agents, consultants or brokers) are permitted, if suitable power of representation is presented in text form and corresponding interested party is disclosed.
Upon receipt of the Expressions of Interest further documents regarding the course of the investor process will be provided based on the non-disclosure agreement as provided by the selling parties. The selling parties reserve the right to change the sales process in accordance with the principle of ‘equal treatment’ at any time and without stating reasons.

Die Frist für den Eingang der Angebote war 2014-09-22. Die Ausschreibung wurde veröffentlicht am 2014-08-29.



Geschichte der Beschaffung
Datum Dokument
2014-08-29 Auftragsbekanntmachung