Social Work Services for British Forces Germany

DE&S Commercial, DE&S

Social work and related services. The Ministry of Defence (MOD) requires provision of a social work service to meet its responsibilities in overseas locations to British military personnel, entitled UK civil servants, authorised UK-based contractor personnel, and their dependants.
The requirement is to provide a social work service for personnel in British Forces Germany (BFG) and in a number of other overseas locations. These other locations include (but are not necessarily limited to) BATUS in Canada (with local government lead), BATUK in Kenya, and the European Joint Support Unit (EJSU), which has units in various locations in Europe and Turkey.
The requirement will include full management and administration of the social work service. British Forces are currently undertaking a phased withdrawal from Germany, which is planned for completion by the end of 2018. This means that the population will fall from 29 000 to probably less than 1 000 over the period of the contract. Population numbers in the other overseas locations currently total around 3 500. It is possible that some of these locations will be removed from the scope of the requirement during the life of the contract. Possible extensions to the Contract may be required depending on the progress of the phased withdrawal from Germany.
The contractor will be required to manage and deliver social work services which are broadly equivalent to the services provided by a UK Local Authority. Crucial services are required to be met with an effective response on a 24 hour, 365 day a year basis. It is possible that the scope of the requirement may change during the lifetime of the contract if the services which UK Local Authorities are required to provide change.
The services listed below are the main social work services within the requirement. The list includes, but is not necessarily limited to:
Child Protection
Children in Need
Fostering and Adoption Support
Services for Adults — Victim Support, Witness Service, Domestic Abuse Intervention, Blue Badges.
PQQ Evaluation criteria: Part 1 Pass or fail, Part 7 — A minimum score of 2 or above must be awarded to be considered further. A weighting of 40 % of the Technical PQQ evaluation is awarded for this part, Part 8 A weighting of 25 % of the Technical PQQ evaluation is awarded for this part; Part 9 A weighting of 20 % of the Technical PQQ evaluation is awarded for this part; Part 10 A weighting of 15 % of the Technical PQQ evaluation is awarded for this part.
Suppliers must read through this set of instructions and follow the process to respond to this opportunity.
The information and/or documents for this opportunity are available on You must register on this site to respond, if you are already registered you will not need to register again, simply use your existing username and password. Please note there is a password reminder link on the homepage.
Suppliers must log in, go to your Response Manager and add the following Access Code: T8B7K4EU2V. Please ensure you follow any instruction provided to you here.
The deadline for submitting your response(s) is 21.2.2014, 23:55. Please ensure that you allow yourself plenty of time when responding to this invite prior to the closing date and time, especially if you have been asked to upload documents.
If you experience any difficulties please refer to the online Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) or the User Guides or contact the MOD DCO Helpdesk by emailing — or call +44 8452707099.

Die Frist für den Eingang der Angebote war 2014-03-01. Die Ausschreibung wurde veröffentlicht am 2014-01-30.



Geschichte der Beschaffung
Datum Dokument
2014-01-30 Auftragsbekanntmachung