Cabling of process measuring and control technology of rocket test bench P5.2 — Ref. 626/2016/3552770

German Aerospace Center

Cabling of process measuring and control technology of rocket test bench P5.2.
The Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. operates test facilities for rocket engines on their proving grounds in Lampoldshausen/Germany. A new cryogenic upper stage (ULPM) for the Ariane 6 launcher is under development in the frame of ESA A6 ULPM Project. Testing and qualification of the ULPM requires a test facility P5.2 which will be situated at the DLR test site at Lampoldshausen.
The test bench P5.2 will mainly comprise systems that supply the ULPM with gaseous and cryogenic process media, systems for the safe discharge of hazardous media from the ULPM and engine exhaust gas will be installed. The process equipment, civil and electrical works as well as instrumentation and control system are procured under separate lots.
This tender comprises the complete design, manufacture, testing, packing and delivery to site with complete erection, integration to existing installations and commissioning of Lot 3722 Bench Cabling. The cabling comprises the complete process measurement and control technology of the test bench. Different kinds of measurement sensors and process control elements have to be integrated. Some elements have to be installed in Ex-zones.
The scope of performance comprises all supplies and services necessary for fulfilment of the contract including acceptance testing and complete documentation according to DLR requirements.
The final fabrication and erection has to be done in accordance with the test schedule of the DLR test facilities in Lampoldshausen.

Die Frist für den Eingang der Angebote war 2017-01-31. Die Ausschreibung wurde veröffentlicht am 2016-12-02.




Geschichte der Beschaffung
Datum Dokument
2016-12-02 Auftragsbekanntmachung