P5.2: ASM/PSM (Lot 3750) — Ref. 626/2016/3371629

German Aerospace Center

P5.2: ASM/PSM (Lot 3750)- Ref. 626/2016/3371629:
The automatic safety shut down system (ASM) and the manual switching panel (PSM) are a PLC system with two functions (ASM-function and PSM-function, but only one can be active command the process on the test bench) on demand. The DLR has already in use the S7-300 and S7-400 systems. For various reasons (programming knowledge of the DLR team, spare part on stock, preventive and curative maintenance) the expected solution should respect this information but it's not a problem if the bidder present a system witch fulfils all requirements. The order defines three packages:
= Package ‘procurement and providing the hard- and software’:
PLC system (ASM-part, PSM-part, basic device)
Analogue input boards (177 channels)
Analogue output boards (53 channels)
Digital input boards (460 channels)
Digital output boards (273 channels)
Three way hot redundant AC/DC transformation (DC providing)
= Package ‘onsite activities and start up’:
Delivery of the PSM panel hardware (chassis, internal PSM cabling, panel with displays and switches)
Mechanical onsite work — fixing of the PSM panel
Test leader panel (delivery, fixing in the room) with a ProfiNet interface
Electrical connection of the panels (PSM, test leader) and the ASM-terminal
Cabling (Cu & optical fibre) from the room to the test bench via over a 700 m distance!
= Package ‘Programming’:
The volume of this package depends on the offered system. This package will be defined after decision. The scope of subject is:
Providing the initial software
Providing the application software (Safety shut down sequences programming)
Organisation, installation and management of the test leader panel (valve positions displaying, commanding and switching from this panel)
Supporting functions for the PSM (blinking, alarm, limit violation, etc.)
= Initial Software:
For the factory acceptance and the onsite acceptance at the DLR we expect a full operational software environment (operating system) and a basic-software (test sequences) for performing the functional tests. Software demo versions for the operating system and the libraries are not acceptable.
Scope of the initial software:
Switching and setting of valves (DO and AO commanding) based on a time scale with a resolution of 1ms.
Reading the valve positions (AI- and DI channels)
Displaying the positions on the manual switching panel
Writing of the digital valve feedbacks (open, close) with a time stamp into an electronical logbook.
Displaying of the ‘ASM ready’ signal (healthy status, heart beat) on the test leader panel.
Displaying of the universal time on the test leader panel.
Demonstration of the working link between the operator's terminal and the PLC system.
The software environment should be a state of art product. The DLR-team wants and has to adapt the ASM-sequences for the coming campaign on the test bench.
= Application Software:
In one of the next steps — after the acceptance — the DLR has to create sequences for the performing of the safety shut down. This subject must be discussed with the customer and the owner of the product under test. These specifications and procedure instructions are not yet available. For this reason we need the costs in detail per day for programming at the work shop and at the DLR.

Die Frist für den Eingang der Angebote war 2016-09-28. Die Ausschreibung wurde veröffentlicht am 2016-08-11.

Die folgenden Lieferanten werden in Vergabeentscheidungen oder anderen Beschaffungsunterlagen erwähnt:



Geschichte der Beschaffung
Datum Dokument
2016-08-11 Auftragsbekanntmachung
2017-02-21 Bekanntmachung über vergebene Aufträge