Beschreibung der Beschaffung
Uganda: work readiness of youth in the construction phases of natural resource-related investments Uganda has recently discovered significant petroleum reserves in its Albertine region. These discoveries are attracting large foreign direct investment; in addition, large foreign and local investments are already being made in other natural resource-based industries and large infrastructure projects, such as hydroelectric power generation, roads, and railways Several construction megaprojects linked to these investments have kicked off while others are in final planning phases; these projects bring with them substantial employment opportunities for Ugandans, which can in-turn lead to socioeconomic growth. In the face of this opportunity however, the Ugandan workforce faces a serious challenge. Many have never held formal jobs, particularly in the industrial construction sector, while the few that have often possess skills that are mismatched to industry needs. The private sector has identified the following technical and non-technical areas and attitudes as the most challenging for the local workforce: lack of practical and industry training, lack of relevant industrial work experience, lack of understanding of HSE (health, safety and environment), poor work ethics, cultural and gender barriers, attitudes towards women in technical and vocational occupations, attitudes towards women in physical/manual occupations weakly developed generic soft skills such as creativity, communication, etc. To address the abovementioned challenges and maximize local employment, the Government of Uganda developed the Workforce Skills Development Strategy and Plan (WSDSP). In support of this strategy, with funding from the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DfID), the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad),and Royal Dutch Shell, the E4D/SOGA initiative works in close collaboration with the Government through the Directorate of Petroleum at the Ministry of Energy and the private sector. As part of activities contributing to the WSDSP, the E4D/SOGA initiative seeks a firm of consultants or a consortium of consultants to implement an intervention that will build technical and soft-skills of Ugandans in the industrial construction sector. The following components should be considered implementing the project in Uganda:
— Component 1: adaptation of an existing electronic screening and intake mechanism used in a prior E4D/SOGA project in Mozambique, including a project database with information on applicants, students, graduates, and outreach campaign,
— Component 2: training module adaptation and training delivery,
— Component 3: career guidance and matchmaking,
— Component 4: international certification and/or assistance of one local institution towards international accreditation such as ECITB or similar.
The main objective is that 1 500 youth complete training in basic construction, occupational health and safety, and life skills.
All 1 500 youth are also expected to graduate with an internationally recognized certificate (ECITB or similar) in occupational health and safety. Out of those 1 500, 525 should moreover reach an internationally recognized certificate.
The contract should start in August 2018 and end in November 2019.