At a share of around 15 %, the water sector is Jordan's largest consumer of electricity, and the trend is rising. The complex hydrogeology and topography contribute to the high energy consumption of the water sector. Electricity is the water sector’s largest cost driver and the water sector responsible for around 11 % of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions. There is a particular lack of human and institutional capacity in the water sector to use RE efficiently and sustainably for power supply as well as to manage the energy use and implement efficiency measures.
Die Frist für den Eingang der Angebote war 2018-07-23.
Die Ausschreibung wurde veröffentlicht am 2018-06-20.
Die folgenden Lieferanten werden in Vergabeentscheidungen oder anderen Beschaffungsunterlagen erwähnt:
Bekanntmachung über vergebene Aufträge (2019-01-03) Öffentlicher Auftraggeber Name und Adressen
Name: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Postanschrift: Dag Hammarskjöld-Weg 1-5
Postort: Eschborn
Postleitzahl: 65760
Land: Deutschland 🇩🇪
“Leinemann Partner Rechtsanwälte mbB (z. Hd. Herrn Rechtsanwalt Jarl-Hendrik Kues)”
Fax: +49 69740938-74 📠
Region: Main-Taunus-Kreis🏙️
Objekt Umfang der Beschaffung
“81226468 — Support for Efficient and Effective Energy Management within Jordanian Water Sector
Produkte/Dienstleistungen: Wirtschaftshilfe an das Ausland📦
Kurze Beschreibung:
“At a share of around 15 %, the water sector is Jordan's largest consumer of electricity, and the trend is rising.
The complex hydrogeology and topography...”
Kurze Beschreibung
At a share of around 15 %, the water sector is Jordan's largest consumer of electricity, and the trend is rising.
The complex hydrogeology and topography contribute to the high energy consumption of the water sector.
Electricity is the water sector’s largest cost driver and the water sector responsible for around 11 % of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions. There is a particular lack of human and institutional capacity in the water sector to use RE efficiently and sustainably for power supply as well as to manage the energy use and implement efficiency measures.
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Gesamtwert der Beschaffung (ohne MwSt.): EUR 1 428 440 💰
Ort der Leistung: 00 🏙️
Hauptstandort oder Erfüllungsort: Jordan.
Beschreibung der Beschaffung:
“The consultancy services requested by Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) shall contribute to Jordan's efficient and sustainable water...”
Beschreibung der Beschaffung
The consultancy services requested by Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) shall contribute to Jordan's efficient and sustainable water supply by increasing energy efficiency (EE) as well as increasing the use of renewable energy (RE) in the water sector. Emphasis is put on the development and piloting of new approaches for efficient and effective energy management within the Jordanian water sector aiming to reduce the specific energy costs. Such new approaches shall serve the establishment of a comprehensive energy management system aligned with ISO 50001 standards. The REW project strengthens the potential for reducing energy costs through renewable energy integration in the sector. The tasks will encompass:
(i) development of a National Database for Water-Energy-Balances (WEB);
(ii) innovative RE approaches for replication (pilots) as well as;
(iii) optimization of energy management/water-energy-balances in selected areas (Pilots).
Therefore, Giz is seeking the services of one international expert (water sector energy management), 2 national experts (technical and operative, management and organisational development), 12 months of international and 30 months of national/regional short term expertise. The overall duration is 24 months, place of assignment is Amman.
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Qualitätskriterium (Bezeichnung): Concept for the performance of the tasks and expertise of the porposed staff
Qualitätskriterium (Gewichtung): 70
Preis (Gewichtung): 30
Informationen über Optionen
Optionen ✅
Beschreibung der Optionen:
“It is the intention of the programme to extend the duration of the Firm of Consultant’s contract resulting of this tender if and when the extension of the...”
Beschreibung der Optionen
It is the intention of the programme to extend the duration of the Firm of Consultant’s contract resulting of this tender if and when the extension of the BMZ commission is confirmed and funding is available for additional services as stated in the ToR.
Verfahren Art des Verfahrens
Wettbewerbliches Verfahren mit Verhandlung
Administrative Informationen
Frühere Veröffentlichungen zu diesem Verfahren: 2018/S 118-268287
Datum des Vertragsabschlusses: 2019-01-03 📅
Informationen über Ausschreibungen
Anzahl der eingegangenen Angebote: 2
Name und Anschrift des Auftragnehmers
Name: Dorsch International Consultants GmbH
Postanschrift: Landsberger Straße 368
Postort: München
Postleitzahl: 80687
Land: Deutschland 🇩🇪
Region: München, Kreisfreie Stadt🏙️
Der Auftragnehmer ist ein KMU ✅ Angaben zum Wert des Auftrags/der Partie (ohne MwSt.)
Geschätzter Gesamtwert des Auftrags/Loses: EUR 1 428 440 💰
Gesamtwert des Auftrags/Loses: EUR 1 428 440 💰
Ergänzende Informationen Körper überprüfen
Name: Vergabekammer des Bundes beim Bundeskartellamt
Postanschrift: Villemombler Str. 76
Postort: Bonn
Postleitzahl: 53123
Land: Deutschland 🇩🇪
Telefon: +49 22894990📞
Fax: +49 2289499163 📠
URL:🌏 Verfahren zur Überprüfung
Genaue Informationen über Fristen für Überprüfungsverfahren:
“Precise information on deadline(s) for review procedures:
According to Article 160, Section 3 of the German Act Against Restraint of Competition,...”
Genaue Informationen über Fristen für Überprüfungsverfahren
Precise information on deadline(s) for review procedures:
According to Article 160, Section 3 of the German Act Against Restraint of Competition, application for reexamination is not permissible insofar as:
1) The applicant has identified the claimed infringement of the contract award regulations before submitting the application for re-examination and has not submitted a complaint to the commissioning party within a period of 10 calendar days; the expiry of the period pursuant to Article 134, Section 2 remains unaffected;
2) Complaints of infringements of contract award regulations that are evident in the notice are not submitted to the commissioning party at the latest by the expiry of the deadline for the application specified in the notice or by the deadline for the submission of bids;
3) Complaints of infringements of contract award regulations that 1st become evident in the tender documents are not submitted to the commissioning party at the latest by the expiry of the deadline for application or for the
Submission of bids;
4) More than 15 calendar days have elapsed after receipt of the notification from the commissioning party that it is unwilling to redress the complaint. Sentence 1 does not apply in the case of an application to determine the invalidity of the contract in accordance with Article 135, Section 1 (2). Article 134, Section 1, Sentence 2 remains unaffected.
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Quelle: OJS 2019/S 005-007276 (2019-01-03)