Beschreibung der Beschaffung
In this tender, GIZ is procuring consultancy services from an internationally operating service provider who is expected to provide the following international experts (for up to 1 290 working days over a period of 42 months):
— 1 International Team Leader,
— pool of up to 5 International Climate Policy Experts,
— pool of up to 2 International MRV Experts,
— pool of up to 2 International Climate Finance Experts,
— 1 International Senior Expert for Transportation,
— 1 International Senior Expert for Agriculture,
— 1 International Senior Expert for the Building Sector.
The service provider shall support the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) in Vietnam in the implementation of the following tasks:
Review and Up-date of NDC, Global Stocktaking:
— supporting MONRE in reviewing and up-dating the Vietnamese NDC,
— supporting MONRE in preparing for the participation in the Talanoa Dialogue and in the Global Stocktake process in 2023,
— capacity building for MONRE staff,
— support to MONRE for an active participation in the NDC Partnership, the Partnership for Transparency in the PA and the IKI NDC support cluster,
— supporting MONRE to prepare for the UNFCCC negotiations,
— awareness raising measures for stakeholders in selected provinces.
Mainstreaming Climate Change, Climate Change Law and Long-term Strategy:
— identification of opportunities to integrate climate change aspects and NDC targets into existing legislation,
— support to sector ministries in the review of legislation with the aim of mainstreaming climate change,
— support in the elaboration of at least one sector strategy or programme which reflects the targets of the Vietnamese NDC,
— support for the elaboration of a sector wide MRV system regarding mitigation,
— analysis and provision of information on national and international sources of funding for the implementation of the NDC, incl. private sources.
Development of three supported NAMAs and two unilateral NAMAs:
— development of a robust concept for five mitigation actions (NAMAs) in the sectors agriculture, transport and construction / buildings,
— supporting MONRE and relevant line ministries in preparing 3 of the NAMA concepts for international funding,
— supporting MONRE and relevant line ministries in preparing 2 of the NAMA concepts for domestic funding and implementation,
— capacity building measures for relevant governmental stakeholders for the implementation of the NAMAs.