The European Central Bank (ECB) is seeking through this open procedure a supplier for the provision of supply of IT End-user Computer Equipment and related Services and intends to award a contract (the “Contract”) to the supplier offering the best value for money.
The current End-user IT Computer Equipment being used at the ECB is comprised of laptop and desktop computers, monitors, windows deskside printers and multi-functional peripheral devices (capable of copying, printing and scanning) and related accessories (incl. accessories for mobile equipment like iPhones, iPads etc.).
The standard computing device issued to staff is a slim laptop with a diagonal screen size of approximately 15 inches weighing 1.5 kg. In addition, dependent on laptop model, users are provided with either a so-called “port replicator” or a “docking station” that provides connections for an external monitor (currently wide-screen LCD, 23 inch), keyboard and mouse for use within the office environment. A mini form factor PC (or laptop) is deployed for meeting rooms or non-personalized workplaces.
The ECB is in the process of deploying Windows 10 as a replacement desktop operating system (currently Windows 7).
Die Frist für den Eingang der Angebote war 2018-03-26.
Die Ausschreibung wurde veröffentlicht am 2018-02-09.
Die folgenden Lieferanten werden in Vergabeentscheidungen oder anderen Beschaffungsunterlagen erwähnt:
Bekanntmachung über vergebene Aufträge (2018-07-31) Öffentlicher Auftraggeber Name und Adressen
Name: European Central Bank
Postanschrift: Sonnemannstrasse 22
Postort: Frankfurt
Postleitzahl: 60314
Land: Deutschland 🇩🇪
Kontaktperson: Kim Riisgaard
Fax: +49 69/13447110 📠
Region: Frankfurt am Main, Kreisfreie Stadt🏙️
Objekt Umfang der Beschaffung
“Provision of IT End-User Computer Equipment and Related Services (PRO-003115)
Produkte/Dienstleistungen: Computeranlagen und Zubehör📦
Kurze Beschreibung:
“The current End-user IT Computer Equipment being used at the ECB is comprised of laptop and desktop computers, monitors, windows deskside printers and...”
Kurze Beschreibung
The current End-user IT Computer Equipment being used at the ECB is comprised of laptop and desktop computers, monitors, windows deskside printers and multi-functional peripheral devices (capable of copying, printing and scanning) and related accessories (incl. accessories for mobile equipment like iPhones, iPads etc.).
The standard computing device issued to staff is a slim laptop with a diagonal screen size of approximately 15 inches weighing 1.5kg. In addition, dependent on laptop model, users are provided with either a so-called “port replicator” or a “docking station” that provides connections for an external monitor (currently wide-screen LCD, 23 inch), keyboard and mouse for use within the office environment. A mini form factor PC (or laptop) is deployed for meeting rooms or non-personalized workplaces.
The ECB is in the process of deploying Windows 10 as a replacement desktop operating system (currently Windows 7).
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Gesamtwert der Beschaffung (ohne MwSt.): EUR 37 000 000 💰
The European Central Bank (ECB) is seeking through this open procedure a supplier for the provision of supply of IT End-user Computer Equipment and related Services and intends to award a contract (the ‘Contract’) to the supplier offering the best value for money.
The current End-user IT Computer Equipment being used at the ECB is comprised of laptop and desktop computers, monitors, windows deskside printers and multi-functional peripheral devices (capable of copying, printing and scanning) and related accessories (incl. accessories for mobile equipment like iPhones, iPads etc.).
The standard computing device issued to staff is a slim laptop with a diagonal screen size of approximately 15 inches weighing 1.5kg. In addition, dependent on laptop model, users are provided with either a so-called “port replicator” or a “docking station” that provides connections for an external monitor (currently wide-screen LCD, 23 inch), keyboard and mouse for use within the office environment. A mini form factor PC (or laptop) is deployed for meeting rooms or non-personalized workplaces.
The ECB is in the process of deploying Windows 10 as a replacement desktop operating system (currently Windows 7).
Mehr anzeigen Vergabekriterien
Qualitätskriterium (Bezeichnung): Compliance with the ECB’s technical and functional requirements
Qualitätskriterium (Gewichtung): 25
Qualitätskriterium (Bezeichnung): Experience and qualifications of the proposed Service
Qualitätskriterium (Gewichtung): 10
Qualitätskriterium (Bezeichnung): Environmental aspects
Qualitätskriterium (Gewichtung): 5
Preis (Gewichtung): 60
Verfahren Art des Verfahrens
Offenes Verfahren
Informationen zur Rahmenvereinbarung
Die Beschaffung umfasst die Erstellung einer Rahmenvereinbarung
Administrative Informationen
Frühere Veröffentlichungen zu diesem Verfahren: 2018/S 036-077721
Titel: Provision of IT End-User Computer Equipment and Related Services (PRO-003115)
Datum des Vertragsabschlusses: 2018-07-13 📅
Informationen über Ausschreibungen
Anzahl der eingegangenen Angebote: 2
Name und Anschrift des Auftragnehmers
Name: Bechtle GmbH
Postort: Frankfurt am Main
Land: Deutschland 🇩🇪
Region: Frankfurt am Main, Kreisfreie Stadt🏙️
Der Auftragnehmer ist ein KMU
Angaben zum Wert des Auftrags/der Partie (ohne MwSt.)
Gesamtwert des Auftrags/Loses: EUR 37 000 000 💰
“The total value of the FWA indicated in the Section V.2.4 is an indicative non-binding spending estimate at the time of contract award. The actual value of...”
The total value of the FWA indicated in the Section V.2.4 is an indicative non-binding spending estimate at the time of contract award. The actual value of the FWA may differ and will be determined by actual business needs.
Mehr anzeigen Körper überprüfen
Name: Procurement Review Body of the European Central Bank
Postanschrift: Sonnemannstrasse 22
Postort: Frankfurt am Main
Postleitzahl: 60314
Land: Deutschland 🇩🇪
Telefon: +49 691344-0📞
Fax: +49 691344-6886 📠
URL:🌏 Für Mediationsverfahren zuständige Stelle
Name: The European Ombudsman
Postanschrift: 1 avenue du Président Robert Schuman, CS 30403
Postort: Strasbourg Cedex
Postleitzahl: 67001
Land: Frankreich 🇫🇷 Verfahren zur Überprüfung
Genaue Informationen über Fristen für Überprüfungsverfahren:
“15 days from the receipt of the information specified in Article 34(3) of the ECB procurement rules (see Section VI.3) or, if no information is requested,...”
Genaue Informationen über Fristen für Überprüfungsverfahren
15 days from the receipt of the information specified in Article 34(3) of the ECB procurement rules (see Section VI.3) or, if no information is requested, 15 days from the receipt of the notification to unsuccessful tenderers.
Further requirements are outlined in Article 39 of the ECB procurement rules (see Section VI.3).
The complaint to the European Ombudsman does not affect the submission deadline nor does it create a new deadline by which complaints can be submitted.
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Quelle: OJS 2018/S 154-352321 (2018-07-31)