Beschreibung der Beschaffung
The services in the area of waste management essentially include:
— the preparation of the standard operations during the start-up phase,
— during the standard operation, the pick-up of the incidental quantities according to fix cycles to be determined and specific time windows as well as on call and their feed into re-cycling or final disposal,
— as required the competent coordination and steering of the waste and recyclables with public waste disposal companies taking into account economic and ecologic factors,
— the expert advice of the client in all waste management matters,
— the regular reporting to and discussion with the client,
— the provision of optional services,
— services at the end of the contract.
In the framework of an infrastructural facility management, the ECB pursues the goal of an optimal and economical management of its premises through experienced and performing facility management suppliers in a cooperative relationship.
The main goals of the ECB are the following:
— the creation of optimal conditions for the execution of the clients core business,
— the retention of the property value,
— the insurance of safety at work,
— the insurance of the undisturbed operating procedures and working processes of the client,
— the securing of a high customer satisfaction,
— the securing of the simple use and operation,
— the economical and efficient operation of the building,
— the flexible reaction to changed/additional user requirements,
— the optimum preservation of knowledge about the building in the course of its lifecycle,
— the guarantee of an appropriate availability of the technical facilities for their respective use,
— the operation of the facilities in compliance with the relevant fire-, safety-, construction-, environment- and aesthetical angles, norms, directives, rules, laws and requirements,
— the management of the building in accordance with the EMAS-certifications and the EU Green Building program.
The following fractions shall be picked up as regular service:
In turns:
— wet waste and grease per m,
— mixed hollow glass per ton/per piece,
— ‘Grüner Punkt (DSD)’ per ton.
On call:
— commercial/residual waste per ton,
— paper/cardboard/cardboard packaging per ton,
— packaged food waste (bio-degradable kitchen- and canteen waste) per piece: 240 liter container,
— mixed construction waste per ton,
— pure demolition waste (edge length up to 60 cm/fines content up to 20 %) per ton,
— untreated wood (A1) per m,
— electric, electronic waste and IT hardware per ton,
— cable remnants per ton,
— lamps (mercurial), e.g. energy saving bulbs, neon tubes, etc. per ton.
Since biological coffee grounds are disposed of at the ECB, suggestions are expected for a sustainable and economical disposal. The disposal of confidential documents and data carriers is not part of the scope of this contract.