Beschreibung der Beschaffung
The objective of the assignment is to strengthen capacities in decentralised renewable energy solutions of regional and national partners, with an initial focus on the Sub-Saharan Africa region but with the capability to support additional projects in Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean. The assignment requires delivery of GET.transform activities and may include demand-based requests for service from other programmes of GET.transform contributors.
To this end, this tender entails the following work packages that will be delivered in the context of the GET.transform programme:
— rural electrification planning and data management: support a systematic, least-cost and demand-driven approach to determine the most suitable electrification option, i.e. whether investments in grid extensions or decentralised solutions are the most effective option in a given context,
— mini-grids: unlock the potential for the uptake of the mini-grid market at a large scale including the enhancement of policy, institutional and regulatory frameworks, the identification and support of viable business models, the elaboration of suitable management systems in line with national regulatory frameworks as well as the sustainability of the systems,
— standalone systems: support the market in overcoming financial, technical, regulatory and policy barriers to realise the potential of standalone systems as a means of electrification alongside mini-grids and on-grid,
— systematic planning for productive use of electricity: support to partners with customized business support for rural micro, small and medium enterprises across all value chains to finance business growth through acquisition of productive assets, and to develop the skill sets of entrepreneurs in the context of village electrification,
— impact evaluations including baseline studies: analysis of the overall impact of mini-grids, stand-alone productive use projects, alongside progress on programme implementation,
— additional work packages: due to the nature of GET.transform as a highly modular platform, intentionally designed for scaling up, it is possible that this may lead to an increase of the budget by multiples of the initial volume of the contract due to expansion of budget for core GET.transform activities, amendments to core services, requests for support from other programmes, or extension of the GET.transform programme.
In terms of estimated resource allocation, this includes (up to):
— a total of approx. 1 800 expert days, delivered through individual experts and expert pools,
— 210 000 EUR for travel,
— 20 000 EUR for subcontractors,
— 20 000 EUR for flexible remuneration, and
— 20 000 EUR for workshops.
The ToR include several special agreements that outline the potential for amendments and scaling-up of the assignment as additional funding becomes available, additional partner programmes request service from the expert pools, or potentially further requirements arise from GET.transform contributors.