Beschreibung der Beschaffung
The tendered assignment involves the supply and management of facilitation, training and advisory services to partners of the GIZ Governance for Inclusive Development (GovID) Module in Ghana. The contractor will supply and manage the assignments of Short-Term Experts (STEs) that are aligned to the overall strategy and objectives of the GovID Module and thus help empower national and sub-national governance actors to finance inclusive development in Ghana.
The main advisory work will be delivered by short-term experts in form of trainings and technical consultancies related to the five key intervention areas of the module:
(i) revenue mobilisation and management at the national level, including fiscal policy and administration, customs, intergovernmental fiscal relations, taxpayer education and relations, tax analysis;
(ii) internally generated funds at the sub-national level, including software development for IGF management, taxpayer education, cooperation between national and sub-national actors, land valuation, IT infrastructure;
(iii) budget management at the national and sub-national levels, including aspects such as development planning, programme-based budget implementation, composite budgeting, gender-based budgeting, reporting, promotion of transparency and participation;
(iv) accountability, including performance audit, internal audit, civil society and governmental relations;
(v) local economic development, public-private dialogue processes, economic analysis, agricultural economics, business economics. Additionally, cross-cutting areas such as process management, organisational development, digitalisation, monitoring and evaluation, human resources development, gender mainstreaming and communication should also be covered. The pools of STEs (STEP) of the contractor shall have a minimum size of 40 members in total, demonstrating a mix of expertise of the key intervention areas described above. All STEs need strong technical skills in the area of their assignment, solid working knowledge in development cooperation, adequate intercultural and social competences, and professional, partner- and service-oriented work ethics.
The contractor will also be responsible for managing the STEP, which should be done by a pool manager. Integrated into the GovID's team, the pool manager will be responsible for managing the pools and for identifying the appropriate national/regional STEs. The person will liaise with partners and the GovID staff to identify the needs for the consultancies and support the operations by conducting needs assessments, preparing concept notes, contracting qualified national and regional experts and ensuring the quality of their service delivery and reports. To effectively fulfil these tasks, the pool manager should have considerable work experience in Ghana and be exposed to an extensive network of national/regional consultants. During the assignments, the pool manger will be responsible for the administrative support to the STEs. For that purpose, he/she shall contract an administrative support officer to assist with the organisation and procurement of workshops, events and trainings.
The contractor will also provide the necessary technical and administrative backstopping to the pool manager. The technical back-stopper, an officer dedicated to the GovID Module, will be responsible for identifying and recruiting the appropriate international experts, aligning them to the needs of the module and providing contacts to international networks of consultants, think tanks and universities. Strong management skills, experience in development cooperation and access to a broad network of international experts will be the key skills of the technical back-stopper. The administrative backstopper will be responsible for the back-office support during the identification and recruitment of the STEs.