Liste und kurze Beschreibung der Auswahlkriterien
During the initial call for competition, bidders may nominate one or more vessels, fully suitable for the contract. Latest with the offer, the bidders must designate one firm vessel which was proposed during the call for competition and qualified by passing the Minimum requirements which would be used to carry out the contract. Replacing the vessel after the call for competition with a vessel previously not proposed, or after the offer, will not be accepted and would lead to exclusion from the tender.
This nominated PSV must already be in direct possession of the bidder (either direct ownership or owned by the bidder’s subcontractor/consortium partner) or operated by the bidder.
Furthermore, the vessel should have served in the field of cargo runs for a minimum of 30 days throughout the last 12 months (to be proven by the vessel track record). The vessel should not come out of a lengthy cold layup.
The proposed PSV must be fully mobilized without any restrictions by the start of the service on 15.4.2020.
Proof must be provided by presenting the following documents, which represent TenneT’s minimum conditions for all candidates:
— please provide proof of availability (written statement, reference to ownership) of one or more PSV(s) suitable for the tendered service, which meets at least the following minimum requirements (vessels not fully matching these requirements cannot be accepted):
— vessel type: platform supply vessel (PSV),
— dynamic positioning (DP): Class 2,
—clear deck area: min. 650 m (free from obstructions, vertically reachable and useable for cargo handling and stowage. It may not include areas which are safety-relevant),
— year of construction: not older than year 2008,
— average fuel consumption at 12 kn: max. 15 t per day,
— draught: max. 8 m,
— tank capacities (for client’s usage only): drinking water: min. 250 m, divided into at least two tanks with a min. capacity of 60 m waste water: min. 150 m, bilge water: min. 70 m and marine gas oil (MGO): min. 200 m (to be proven by tank arrangement plan indicating the tanks for vessel’s own usage and clients usage),
—please provide references in the area of PSV cargo run operations by stating at least three appropriate reference deployments executed in 2018 - 2019,
— please provide a written concept (including time schedule) which shows how you will enable a timely start of the scheduled tours of the client beginning on 15.04.2020 (short written concept is sufficient),
— please provide a detailed datasheet of the proposed PSV(s) with all required performance data in connection with the above mentioned technical minimum requirements,
— please provide the tank arrangement plan of the proposed PSV(s) indicating the tanks for vessel’s own usage and clients usage.
— please provide a written confirmation (written statement) of compliance with industry standards as per Annex 13 – Vessel Requirements for the proposed PSV(s),
— please provide the comprehensive track record of the proposed PSV(s) of the last 2 years 2018-2019 showing at least 30 days of service for cargo runs during the last 12 months.
In the event that the tenderer uses the capacities of another company to obtain the necessary professional, financial and technical qualifications under Sections III.1.1) to III.1.3) (e.g. group companies), the ‘Form A3’ must be completed and handed in together with the application for participation (the relevant documents can be downloaded via Negometrix) by the tenderer in order to prove that the other company/companies will be jointly and severally liable together with the applicant.