Beschreibung der Beschaffung
Description of expected tasks and deliverables:
The overall objective of the consultancy is to contribute to the overall implementation of RGIL. In particular, the contractor shall develop products and solutions that increase the awareness and capacities of investors on responsible and sustainable investment practices, strengthen the capacities of government entities to steer investments, and empower local communities to benefit from investments in land. A particular focus is on the empowerment of women. The duration of the assignment is estimated to start from October 2020 and will run until March 2023.
Expected outputs of the consultancy are as follows:
1) The contractor has developed new and improved products and solutions (such as guidelines) addressing the particular demands and needs of investors, state-, non-state actors, women and other community members to achieve the project objective;
2) The contractor has developed capacity building measures, such as training curricula, on responsible land-based investment for investors, state actors (such as regulatory bodies) and local communities in Lao P.D.R., Ethiopia and Uganda;
3) The contractor has developed knowledge products that focus on the output, outcome and impact of the project. Such products were made available and shared with the different stakeholders in Lao P.D.R., Ethiopia and Uganda and the interested global audience. A variety of media (website, social media, print, etc.) have been used.
Major deliverables:
— conduct needs assessments of relevant stakeholders;
— analyse existing guidebooks/guidelines;
— develop new and improve existing products;
— develop training curricula for government authorities and investors and empowerment measures for CSOs, communities incl. women;
— test training concept and empowerment measures and prepare for take-up by the GIZ project;
— organize in each country one multi-stakeholder dialog forum;
— additional capacity building measures;
— development of knowledge management strategy and development of knowledge management strategy and products for measuring and communicating the outputs, outcomes and impact.
Other requirements include the following:
— all activities are tailored to the specific country context. They are conceptualized and carried out in close cooperation with the country teams of GIZ in Ethiopia, Lao P.D.R., and Uganda;
— digital solutions, which are not solely based on internet access (some stakeholder may have no or limited internet access), should play an important role in the development of the different products;
— to address private investors, products and solutions should be developed in a way that business executives and technical staff can relate with its content without sacrificing basic principles, especially safeguards, social standards, community participation, etc. At the same time, guidelines for private investors should emphasize incentive measures (e.g. economic, social and cultural incentives or framework incentives) in engaging with responsible agriculture practices;
— the needs of women and gender equality should be considered explicitly in all activities of the consultancy;
— cross-cutting topics such as conflict sensitivity, poverty orientation and human rights should be taken into account in the development and implementation of the activities.