Beschreibung der Beschaffung
The contractor of Lot 2 (81257282) is expected to deliver the following results:
Elaboration of the Tunesien National Strategy for Resilience Development (Adaptation) to Climate Change (NSRD-CC).
The main objective of this mission is to elaborate the Tunesien Long Term Climate Resilient Strategy (LTCRS). This strategy must be part of a global approach, considering current and future developments especially in the sectors prioritised by the Tunisian Government and the climate and the socio-economic situation of the country. This strategy will contribute to national sustainable development through the elaboration and implementation of a set of intersectoral actions, measures and mechanisms for adaptation. It will also contribute with reliable data to the regular reporting to the UNFCCC.
The mission will include the following actions:
— definition of a working methodology for the elaboration of the LTCRS, detailing the approach to be adopted as well as the tools and instruments based on the orientations for the development of a long term resilient strategy, proposed in the Guidelines developed by the Ministry of Environment and the GIZ in 2018,
— diagnosis of the situation and local framework conditions related to climate change in Tunisia,
— development of a long-term strategic vision for Tunisia in terms of adaptation to climate change,
— analysis of the vulnerability of key sectors based on what already exists and definition of approaches to vulnerability assessment,
— identification of appropriate adaptation measures and proposal of ambitious national and sectoral adaptation targets for 2050,
— definition of the framework conditions for the implementation of the LTCRS and proposal for a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) concept,
— Development of communication support materials,
— support/advice on the integration of the LTCRS (Adaptation) into the consolidated national long term climate strategy (LTS both: Lot 1 Mitigation (81257279) and Lot 2 881257282) Adaptation) in order to have an inclusive national long term strategy (LTS) of both: Long Term Low Emission Strategy (Mitigation Lot 1) and a Resilience Strategy (Adaption Lot 2).