Beschreibung der Beschaffung
Both projects are looking for experts with long experience in:
— developing climate certification systems for the voluntary carbon market relevant to Kenya, Burkina Faso and Madagascar, taking responsibility to implement a module objective indicator (‘The climate impact (mitigation and adaptation) of soil protection measures has been certified for a further 30 000 ha in Kenya according to the Verified Carbon Standard.’) and related output indicators,
— operationalizing a qualitative and quantitative tracking of contributions by soil protection and rehabilitation to climate change adaptation and GHG reduction (focus on the mitigation component of the climate monitoring system).
These experts are expected to perform the following tasks:
— key tasks (main focus for the first months of the assignment) include amongst others:
— working package I (WP I) — support the operationalization of the mitigation component of the climate monitoring system in the 8 country packages of ProSoil:
• assuring and improving the technical functionality of the climate monitoring tool and the underlying models in accordance with international standards;
• supporting the data generation, data processing and handling in the country packages;
• providing further need-based advice to country packages and the steering unit of ProSoil.
— working package II (WP II) — climate certification of one ProSoil country package to access voluntary carbon market
• certification of climate impact of soil protection measures;
• coordination of capacity development activities to secure a long-lasting sustainable certification scheme;
• identify buyers for carbon credits and prepare contractual arrangements;
• further develop VCS methods and standards;
• preparation of feasibility studies for carbon certification schemes in Burkina Faso and Madagascar.
The period of implementation for this assignment will be from December 2020 until September 2022 (WP I) respectively until March 2023 (WP II). For WP II the contractor will scope and assess the situation in Kenya to select and enable an intermediary organization to secure the long-term functionality of a carbon certification system in Kenya, which the contractor will set up.
Current restrictions due to the covid 19 pandemic may have strong influence on the implementation. Therefore, GIZ expects flexibility of contractors in connection to travel restrictions.