Beschreibung der Beschaffung
The ‘Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit’ (GIZ) GmbH was commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development to implement the ‘Special Initiative on Training and Job Creation’ in Senegal. Its objective is to increase the employment-among African and European enterprises in Senegal.
According to the programme's approach, the role of economic facilitators is seen as an essential entry point in improving the business climate. The Centres de Gestion et d'Economie Rurale (CGER) is a private structure created by rural entrepreneurs that aim at supporting their client in all aspects concerning finance, accounts and banking management. In that sense, the CGER is a key economic facilitator of the rural economies they operate in.
In this context, GIZ is seeking to commission a contractor to contribute to the objectives of Output 3 of the project, which aims at strengthening the business ecosystems. Output 3 can be broken down into two Outputs (3.1 and 3.2).
With the CGER as a key and sole implementing partner, and under Output 3.1, the contractor will be responsible to ensure that 70 % of 130 companies confirm that the business ecosystem has improved. Under Output 3.2, the contractor is responsible for training 650 people 25 % of which are women and 40 % of which are young workers.
The contractor is expected to provide international and national experts with relevant professional experience.
In order to achieve the above, the following main tasks shall then be:
Main task nGrad1: Improving the quality and productivity of current services and enhance the level of expertise of CGER's staff.
The consultancy will therefore be responsible for designing and implementing training modules:
— Module 1 — ‘Profession: advisers to Producer Organisations and farm-holds’,
— Module 2 — ‘PO management/Strategic Planning and Operation Planning’,
— Module 3 — ‘Systemic Farm hold Assessment’.
Main task nGrad2: Supporting CGER with the development of a formalised offer of consulting services to agricultural and rural enterprises and to build/strengthen the skill sets that are required under these professional mandates:
— assistance and guidance in organisational aspects (including aspects of human resource management and formalisation of salaried employment);
— technico-economic advice for individual farmers and/or groups sharing a common production (rice, tomato, milk, etc.)
— guiding entrepreneurs in steering towards their vision and expansion strategy.
Main task 3: Redefine and develop the training offer for CGER members:
The contractor is expected make rapid appraisal of the training services that are currently offered, and benchmark these in a regional francophone context (two countries). On this basis, recommendations will be made to the Board of Directors and decisions will steer the creation of a revised training catalog.
Main task 4: Strengthening institutional capacities and overall organisational capacities of the CGER network. It will consist in short term, highly specialised inputs, working hand in hand with the board of directors on developing and implementing specific works schedules aiming at:
— improving the steering and internal management of the CGER network;
— introducing techniques to measure the impact of CGER on the economy and employment, and thus build advocacy (lobbying) with technical and financial partners;
Main task nGrad5: Supporting the CGER Valley networking and developing collaborations with private sector support agencies, and thus improve the accessibility of existing domestic support offers (BMN, DER, etc.);
— designing and conducting a training module ‘Methodology to support PO's development project (technical, economic, financial, organisational feasibility study)’;
— responsible for hands-on assistance to eight professional organisations/sec. general in implementing the approach to writing up development.