Beschreibung der Beschaffung
The core objective of this tender is to conduct an external review in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the interventions and to identify possible readjustments providing strategic guidelines.
Therefore, the content of the contract is:
(i) consulting on an existing methodology of the Mid Term Review 2018 and the possible adjustment of this methodology;
(ii) conducting the external review in 8 country packages in 7 partner countries and elaboration of reports;
(iii) to incorporate the results into 9 modification offers (8 country packages and 1 overall offer) for BMZ.
— (i): in 2018, a Mid Term Review (MTR) was conducted
(a) to review the implementation of six CPs (except for Madagascar and Tunisia as these CPs started only in 2018/2019) with regard to the achievement of objectives; and
(b) to analyze the steering unit. The MTR aimed to support conceptual adaptations and to provide strategic guidelines for the orientation of the CPs and the steering unit. The external review needs to take into account not only the results (comparative study) but also the methodology of the MTR 2018 in order to ensure the comparability and showing the possible progress. The analysis grid was very detailed. Hence, the tenderer must assess the assessment grid concerning redundancies, reduction potential and possible content-related updating. The goal is to have a leaner evaluation analysis grid and a shorter list of core questions by maintaining the high quality of analysis. A sounding board will be available throughout the external review, which will also provide feedback on the methodology used in the MTR and will be available at key points regarding the methodology throughout the process.
— (ii): The country package mission will be conducted together with one representative of the steering unit. The detailed schedule must be coordinated with the respective head of country package. If possible, the kick-off meeting should be held virtually before the actual mission in order to clarify not only logistical questions but also to get a detailed insight on the project already beforehand. During the mission data needs to be collected via interviews, focus group discussions, documentations, observations, monitoring system, etc. Possible interview partners will be identified in coordination with the project staff. Possible interviews might be: political partners, representatives from target groups, GIZ Staff, implementing partners and other donors. The analysis grid needs to be filled out as basis for the report. After the missions a report containing the results and recommendations must be elaborated and submitted. In addition, one overall report including recommendations to the steering unit will be elaborated. On top of that the results will be presented to the GIZ structure and BMZ.
— (iii): The results and recommendations will serve as one basis for the modification offers to BMZ. The tenderer needs to elaborate a first draft of 9 modification offers (8 CP and 1 overall proposal) including the results matrices which need to be in line with the current quality criteria of GIZ.
— During the whole process the tenderer needs to assure a close collaboration and coordination with the steering unit and the country packages. The working phases are divided into: preparation phase, implementation and management of missions in 8 country packages, assessment and reporting, elaboration of modification offer.