Beschreibung der Beschaffung
On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the European Union (EU), the project ‘Peace Process Support for Yemen (PSY)’, implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is improving the capacities for non-violent conflict resolution in Yemen. The Project organises workshops on peaceful co-existence with local civil society organisations and youth initiatives. The transferred knowledge is used in the context of the implementation of small projects on coexistence financed by the Project (local subsidies/small grants/sub-grants). Due to the ongoing conflict, the access to the different implementation areas have become increasingly difficult. This is why those small projects need to be monitored by a third party. Third-party monitoring (TPM) describes the practice of contracting third parties to collect and verify monitoring data. In insecure contexts, aid actors primarily use TPM to monitor the activities of partner organisations in places where their own staff faces access restrictions. It entails the following main activities:
— organization of a kick-off meeting in a third country with participation of the GIZ team
— elaboration of a excel-based monitoring format for the entire project,
— development/ use of a customized mobile application as add on to the excel-based monitoring format,
— organisation of a training on the use of the application for the GIZ team,
— monitoring of up to 70 small projects in Yemen.
—— monitoring and documentation of implemented project activities through different approaches (emails, phone calls, field visits);
—— documentation is understood as photos, videos, interviews including local authorities, lists of participants, success stories and others;
—— end-of-project evaluation for each project;
—— assessment of the measurable contribution of the projects to the respective module objective of PSY;
—— post evaluation focusing on the impact of the projects in February 2021 for all the implemented projects.
In order to implement those activities, a consulting team consisting of 3 international experts and a short-term local expert pool with minimum 3, maximum 6 members (Yemeni experts). The organisation of meetings, workshops or visits by international experts in or to Yemen is not part of this assignment. These meetings, workshops and visits need to be carried out by the local Yemeni experts.
Furthermore, the following cross cutting issues need to be taken into account:
— data protection: the international consulting firm has to ensure that the digital applications fulfil the requirements of the data privacy guidelines and data security guidelines of GIZ,
— sustainability: combining social responsibility, ecological balance, political participation and economic capability will enable current and future generations alike to lead secure and dignified lives,
— working in fragile contexts: the work of GIZ in fragile contexts is based on 5 core principles:
1) Sound understanding of highly complex political and social environment and systematic application of the ‘do no harm’ approach;
2) Adaptation of concepts according to the varying context;
3) Responsibility for GIZ staff working under extremely difficult circumstances;
4) Pragmatism and adapted management instruments to ensure impact under difficult conditions; and
5) Work along a continuum from humanitarian and emergency aid to transitional and long-term cooperation,
— do no harm: according to this principle, unintended consequences of humanitarian aid and development cooperation and the unintended intensification of negative dynamics should be recognised, avoided and cushioned,
— gender equality: At GIZ, we take a gender-sensitive and wherever needed a gender-differentiated approach and consistent action to eliminate existing gender-based discrimination and to foster equal rights and opportunities for everyone, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation and gender identity.