Beschreibung der Beschaffung
Description of the tasks
The contractor is responsible to contribute to the following target and output indicators:
Target Indicator 3 :45 percent of the 2 400 registered fishermen and all of the 50 aquaculture operators registered within the marine and coastal protected areas and their employees each apply 3 of the practices introduced by the protected area administrations for responsible artisanal fishing (adherence to the established closed seasons, catch quotas, protected sizes) and sustainable aquaculture (choice of location of the facility, fish feed composition, avoidance of the use of antibiotics).
Target value: 1 080 of the 2 400 registered fishermen and 50 registered aquaculture operators and their employees; 3 practices each applied for responsible artisanal fishing and for sustainable aquaculture.
Output Indicator 2.2: 62.5 percent of the 2 400 registered fishermen and all aquaculture operators and their employees registered within or adjacent to marine and coastal protected areas have participated with good learning outcomes in a capacity-building measure on practices for responsible artisanal fisheries and sustainable aquaculture.
Target value: 1 500 registered fishermen and all aquaculture operators and their employees have participated with good learning success (rated 2 or 3 on a four-level scale)
Key activities
First of all, the contractor shall contribute to this study by proposing themes to be raised and researched, such as the characteristics and the economic, social and environmental issues and problems related with artisanal fishery and aquaculture. In parallel, he shall compile options for sustainable artisanal fisheries and sustainable aquaculture and assess their appropriateness and adaptability to the local conditions of the target groups.
Based on these findings, the contractor shall design capacity building measure on practices for responsible artisanal fisheries and sustainable aquaculture for the different stakeholders involved:
The governmental and non-governmental partner organisations will be supported by technical and process consulting to raise the awareness of fishermen and aquaculture operators and their employees and to introduce sustainable use practices. Fishermen and aquaculture operators will be trained to learn sustainable fisheries and aquaculture practices and supported in the implementation of the respective improvement measures.
Target Indicator 4: Management plans are available for 2 marine and coastal protected areas established or redesignated under current legislation, which describe the participation of local resource users in the management of the protected areas.
Target value: 2 protected area management plans in accordance with current legislation with a description of the participation mechanisms are available.
Output Indicators:
— the maintenance and development plans (schéma directeur) of 2 (re-)designated marine and coastal protected areas, based on a zoning agreed by the classification study with the inhabitants/resource users and the territorial administrations, have been submitted to the Ministry of the Environment for adoption.
Key activities
— capacity development of the staff of the state structures involved in protected area management, territorial administrations and civil society organisations (e.g. management processes, participation mechanisms, data management, awareness-raising measures)
— advice on the (re-)designation of the selected marine and coastal protection areas, the preparation of maintenance and development plans as well as management plans using the guidelines.
This Output aims to improve the planning guidelines for the participatory management of selected marine and coastal protected areas. The approach is based on the legal foundations and is oriented towards international management standards. The focus of technical and process consulting for state partner structures is on promoting transparent and inclusive participation mechanisms, taking into account the different interests of the actors (especially women). This also includes the introduction of conflict prevention and resolution mechanisms. Important criteria are demand orientation (e.g. economic assessment of marine ESS, data management, communication/sensitisation). The learning experience gained will be incorporated into the development of a national action orientation for the preparation of management plans.
The task also includes the processing of intersections with the other outputs and the implementation of the module proposal in other relevant parts, e.g. the methodological approach for the corresponding Outputs or the handling of the risks mentioned there. In particular, it also includes the cooperation with relevant actors.