Beschreibung der Beschaffung
The intervention of the contractor in the framework of this call for tender covers Output 5 which aims at improving the quality of the annual reports on the implementation of the National Agenda 2030 and the provision and management of a pool of international and national experts. The focus of output 5 (component) is on the development of the national statistical system for monitoring the implementation of the Agenda 2030 with the participation of the 77 municipalities of Benin (Localising SDGs) and the transparent publication of the collected data. The support focuses on INSAE, which is supported in setting up a monitoring system to which the municipalities must also provide regular inputs - data on the local implementation of the 2030 Agenda.
The contractor is also responsible for advising and technically supporting the partner municipalities in data collection. In addition, the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Analysis and the Direction in charge of coordination and monitoring of the SDGs, which are responsible for steering and monitoring the SDGs, will be advised on how to improve their coordination. This should improve the quality of the data and its presentation on an existing digital transparency platform, which needs to be further developed. This result area is therefore closely linked to output 3, as data transparency provides the public with important information on Benin's development progress in various sectors, which can be used as a basis for policy dialogue. In addition, data on the implementation of the Agenda 2030 also serve as important indicators for the prioritisation of budget resources (output 1).
The contractor will contribute to the strengthening of the national monitoring system, and the improvement of the annual report on the implementation of the Agenda 2030. The impact hypothesis is that the establishment of a national and decentralised monitoring system for the implementation of the national priorities of the Agenda 2030 will create a basis for monitoring Benin's development progress, which in turn will be used as an indicator and orientation for (sectoral) prioritisation of the formulation and implementation of the national and municipal budget. This is accompanied by the monitoring of certain sub-targets of the SDGs, the development of which, in combination with the sectoral targets, provides evidence of the need to act on the implementation of the national and local budget cycles in accordance with the principles of good financial governance.
The contractor is responsible for the achievement of the outputs and output indicators listed below.
Output 5 ‘The quality of the annual report on the implementation of the National Agenda 2030 is improved.’
Output indicators:
50 out of 77 communes report annually on some key indicators (especially with regard to the targets and indicators of SDG 5) in a standardised format to INSAE and MPD, DGCS-ODD.
Initial value: 0 communes (reporting system not yet in place).
Target value: 50 municipalities, annual reporting.
A digital platform for monitoring transparency is used by key stakeholders (INSAE, DGCS-ODD) to publish data and annual reports on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in Benin.
Initial value: 0 platform.
Target value: 1 platform.
The contractor is responsible for the implementation of the following work packages:
Work Package 1: Output 5 ‘Monitoring the 2030 Agenda’.
Key activities around work package in Action Area 5 are:
— technical and process advice to the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Analysis and the Directorate General for Coordination and Monitoring of the Sustainable Development Goals on the coordination of the Agenda 2030 follow-up;
— technical and process advice, as well as digitalisation advice, to improve the digital transparency platform for the monitoring of the Agenda 2030;
— policy and strategy advice to ministries of planning and decentralisation;
— develop guidelines/legislation for municipalities on data submission for Agenda 2030 monitoring and accompanying technical advice on for municipalities on data collection (coordinated at prefecture level).
The work package is assigned to Output 5 described above. The contractor is solely responsible for the implementation of the Output 5, which is an integral part of the module ReFORME, and whose implementation implies a synergy of actions with the other 4 Outputs. GIZ's own contribution is the implementation of the other four Outputs.
Work package 2: provision and management of a pool of international and national experts;
Work package 2 consists of the provision of a pool of international and a pool of national experts to provide specialised technical support to the four action areas (Outputs, with a weight of about 25 % for each of the 4 outputs) of the module when needed. It involves managing the administrative, logistical and follow-up aspects of the short-term experts' missions in close collaboration with the ReFORME project's field coordinators.
The Work package 2 contributes to the achievement of all 4 results (see WiMa) for which GIZ is responsible. If necessary, an additional service package can be added to the service package of Work package 2.