Beschreibung der Beschaffung
In 2019 the SADC Secretariat requested support in the areas of industrialization and empowerment of women in the economy (‘Women Economic Empowerment’ (WEE)). During the first half of 2020, the CESARE project team worked with the SADC Secretariat, in particular the Gender Unit (GU), the Directorate of Industrial Development and Trade (IDT), and the Directorate of Finance, Investment and Customs (FIC) on the project design. The aim is to increase the participation of women-owned enterprises and women entrepreneurs in the value creation in selected sectors/regional value chains. The project will benefit:
(i) financial institutions and policy makers concerned with the RVCs; and
(ii) women entrepreneurs and prospective entrepreneurs from up to 16 SADC MS within the priority SADC Value Chains.
The Project Goal is to increase women owned businesses' and female entrepreneurs' participation in value addition for selected sectors/regional value chains (RVCs) of the SADC Industrialization Strategy and Roadmap (SISR).
Specifically, the project focus will be on two outcomes:
(i) enhanced business and product development skills of female entrepreneurs; and
(ii) enhanced financial inclusion for women entrepreneurs.
An additional option will be to establish and manage a Challenge Fund to provide technical and financial support for Women in Business Associations to develop women entrepreneur's' business development skills.
Within the first activity, the focus of the assignment lies on the political advisory services in order to support the development and implementation of gender-conducive laws and regulations within the SADC region. Major activities are in the field of engaging in public-private consultations, capacity development of women's associations, advisory services for SADC strategy development, drafting of strategies and guidelines, as well advocacy work. The contractor is expected to deliver the following outcomes:
— stock taking paper of existing gender policies and intervention areas,
— kick off meeting with the SADC Financial Inclusion Sub-Committee,
— development of a Financial Inclusion Gender action plan and of SADC Women's Financial Inclusion Guidelines,
— scoping study on gender issues of the legal and policy environment,
— various policy consultations,
— development of at least 3 guidelines and/or tools to support an enabling business environment for women entrepreneurs,
— development of an advocacy and awareness raising plan,
— support for at least 2 advocacy and awareness raising initiatives.
Within the second activity, the focus of the assignment lies on implementation measures in order to strengthen women's economic empowerment, especially targeting female entrepreneurs within the SADC region. Major activities are in the field of entrepreneurial and financial education for women and interventions empowering financial and non-financial service providers targeting women-led businesses and women entrepreneurs. The contractor is expected to conduct the following outcomes:
— stock taking report of existing entrepreneurial skills and financial education material,
— identifying relevant BDS-Providers and Financial Service Providers (FSPs) suitable as target group,
— development the entrepreneurial skills and financial education material (in English) customized for the regional target group including translation corresponding to the national language (French and Portuguese),
— distribution of the educational material to selected BDS-providers and FSPs,
— conduct a digital regional awareness and information workshop as well as in-depth training workshops on the training material for selected BDS-providers and FSPs,
— stock taking report of existing financial products and services targeting female entrepreneurs in the region,
— development of a SADC Women's Financial Inclusion Toolkit,
— development of a training for associations based on the toolkit considering regional differences and standards among FSPs and providing training for selected associations.
Project partners include the SADC Secretariat, in particular the Gender Unit (GU), the Directorate of Industrial Development and Trade (IDT), and the Directorate of Finance, Investment and Customs (FIC) and the Financial Inclusion Sub-Committee and Ministries responsible for Gender and Women's Economic Empowerment and Ministries responsible for Finance and Investment. Additionally, the contractor is expected to closely collaborate with Women Business Associations, as well as financial institutions, lending agencies and non-financial service providers. Next to the above-mentioned partners, the direct beneficiaries of the project will be women entrepreneurs and prospective entrepreneurs from up to 16 SADC Member States. The contractor is expected to develop an actor mapping before the start of implementation.