Beschreibung der Beschaffung
The overall objective of this assignment is to implement an essential part of output 1 (‘Strengthening of public institutions’).
The contractor is responsible for achieving Output indicator 1.1 ‘(at least) 6 regulations, directives, guidelines, etc. are prepared up to final approval’ and Output indicator 1.2 ‘(at least) 6 measures at (at least) 2 institutions are implemented, of which 2 measures at regional level organisations.’ Furthermore, the contractor indirectly contributes to module objective indicators.
In addition to strengthening key institutions at the national level (in particular MoTI, FeSMMIPA, and MInT), the project also plans to implement activities outside of Addis Ababa in selected Ethiopian regions and strengthen relevant institutions there.
As the overall reform process may not develop in a linear way and cannot be planned in full detail, the assignment requires a flexible, iterative and adaptive approach on the part of the contractor.
The main work packages of the contractor are:
Work package 1: Change Management at public institutions.
The contractor is responsible for designing, initiating and accompanying a change management process at selected public institutions at national and regional levels.
Activities include:
— assessing organisational needs and gaps of the institutions;
— developing a concept and implementation plan for change management jointly with partner institutions; identifying desired results; developing standard operating procedures (SOP) to bring about the desired change.
Work package 2: capacity development of public institutions for strategy development and implementation, including public-private dialogue and knowledge management system.
This work package includes technical support to public institutions for strategy development and particularly effective strategy implementation.
Activities under work package 2 include:
— assessment of the existing strategy and regulatory framework for MSMEs and start-ups;
— identify needs for capacity development for better strategy implementation (regarding planning, organisation, skills and talent, internal processes, coordination, etc.).
Work package 3: coordination of government agencies
The tenderer is required to develop a proposal for better coordination between government agencies that support businesses in Ethiopia, with the aim of a better harmonisation of processes, services, strategies and strategy implementation.
Activities include:
— map key public institutions and development agencies alongside support to SMEs, start-ups and SGBs in Ethiopia;
— assessment of the current status of coordination mechanisms between government agencies responsible for SMEs and start-ups.
Work package 4: improved public services and ease of doing business
Activities under work package 4 include:
— assessment of existing services offered by public institutions (MoTI, FeSMMIPA, MInT) for SMEs and start-ups (based on existing assessments) and how they compare to the services offered by other actors (in particular those addressed in outputs 2, 3 and 4);
— technical advice on packaging (developing modules of) SME support services classified based on levels of growth of SMEs; mapping internal work processes to deliver these services sequentially and efficiently.