On behalf of the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the project "Green Municipalities" implemented by GIZ in Algeria is supporting the efforts of the Algerian Ministry of Interior, Local Communities, and Territory Planning (MICLAT) to promote the use of Renewable Energy (RE) and Energy Efficiency (EE) in Algerian municipalities.
Through this project, GIZ will contribute by sharing German and international technical expertise on both, EE and RE. This includes:
- Development and implementation of action plans for RE and EE in four pilot municipalities (Bechar, Djelfa, Relizane, Souk-Ahras) (output1);
- Promoting the exchange of experience between municipalities, on energy management within regional networks (Adrar, Jijel, Mascara and Msila) (output 2);
- Development of selcted RE and EE technologies value chains and aiming at a better participation of local companies. (output 3);
- Development of a regulatory and normative framework for grid integration of small PV installations and incentives for the promotion of RE and EE technologies and services. (output 4).
Die Frist für den Eingang der Angebote war 2021-11-01.
Die Ausschreibung wurde veröffentlicht am 2021-09-29.
Die folgenden Lieferanten werden in Vergabeentscheidungen oder anderen Beschaffungsunterlagen erwähnt:
Objekt Umfang der Beschaffung
“81275325-Development and implementation of an Energy Management Dashboard in Algerian municipalities
Produkte/Dienstleistungen: Umwelttechnische Beratung📦
Kurze Beschreibung:
“On behalf of the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the project "Green Municipalities" implemented by GIZ in Algeria is...”
Kurze Beschreibung
On behalf of the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the project "Green Municipalities" implemented by GIZ in Algeria is supporting the efforts of the Algerian Ministry of Interior, Local Communities, and Territory Planning (MICLAT) to promote the use of Renewable Energy (RE) and Energy Efficiency (EE) in Algerian municipalities.
Through this project, GIZ will contribute by sharing German and international technical expertise on both, EE and RE. This includes:
- Development and implementation of action plans for RE and EE in four pilot municipalities (Bechar, Djelfa, Relizane, Souk-Ahras) (output1);
- Promoting the exchange of experience between municipalities, on energy management within regional networks (Adrar, Jijel, Mascara and Msila) (output 2);
- Development of selcted RE and EE technologies value chains and aiming at a better participation of local companies. (output 3);
- Development of a regulatory and normative framework for grid integration of small PV installations and incentives for the promotion of RE and EE technologies and services. (output 4).
On behalf of the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the project "Green Municipalities" implemented by GIZ in Algeria is supporting the efforts of the Algerian Ministry of Interior, Local Communities, and Territory Planning (MICLAT) to promote the use of Renewable Energy (RE) and Energy Efficiency (EE) in Algerian municipalities.
Through this project, GIZ will contribute by sharing German and international technical expertise on both, EE and RE. This includes:
- Development and implementation of action plans for RE and EE in four pilot municipalities (Bechar, Djelfa, Relizane, Souk-Ahras) (output1);
- Promoting the exchange of experience between municipalities, on energy management within regional networks (Adrar, Jijel, Mascara and Msila) (output 2);
- Development of selcted RE and EE technologies value chains and aiming at a better participation of local companies. (output 3);
- Development of a regulatory and normative framework for grid integration of small PV installations and incentives for the promotion of RE and EE technologies and services. (output 4).
The second output of the project "Green Municipalities" looks into the improvement of conditions for energy and cost savings in four Algerian regions, with 30 participating municipalities. GIZ will support the partners at central level (MICLAT, APRUE(Energy Efficiency Agency)) and regional (Wilaya : Adrar, Msila, Jijel and Mascara) and local level (the 30 Municipalities, 7-8 Municipality in each of the 4 wilayas). More specifically, it will develop a set of tools and approaches to improve municipalities" capacity in setting up local energy management policy, understanding their energy consumption, identifying their energy saving potential, planning and implementing measures and monitoring their progress.
In the following tender, GIZ in Algeria is looking for an international expertise to support the local partners in development and implementation of an energy management dashboard that will allow the Algerian municipalities to systematically monitor the electricity, gas, fuel and water consumption of the different asset units that they"re managing. The tool should allow the reconstruction of consumption history, to identify anomalies in available energy consumption data, main consumption centers (including irregular and suspect consumptions in Algerian dinars, m3, Kwh , liters). The tool also should allow the monitoring of implemented energy efficiency measures and provide yearly reports on energy performance in the municipality.
The assignment includes in addition to the development of the tool, the development and the implementation of the different processes that will support the implementation of the tool in the different municipalities. From identifying, collecting and validating the needed data, training the local municipality officers to use the tool, supporting the data analysis and development of monitoring report, and supporting the integration of the tool as a part of an energy management system that will be implemented in another expert mission.
Mehr anzeigen Vergabekriterien
Der Preis ist nicht das einzige Zuschlagskriterium, und alle Kriterien werden nur in den Auftragsunterlagen genannt
Laufzeit des Vertrags, der Rahmenvereinbarung oder des dynamischen Beschaffungssystems
Der nachstehende Zeitrahmen ist in Monaten ausgedrückt.
Dauer: 15
Laufzeit des Vertrags, der Rahmenvereinbarung oder des dynamischen Beschaffungssystems
Dieser Vertrag ist verlängerbar ✅ Beschreibung
Beschreibung der Verlängerungen:
“It is possible to continue key elements of each work package specified in the tender, together or separately, as part of a follow-on measure within the...”
Beschreibung der Verlängerungen
It is possible to continue key elements of each work package specified in the tender, together or separately, as part of a follow-on measure within the context of the basic project and/ or to assign additional services in a similar extent by way of a contract amendment to the contractor.
Precondition is the award of the follow-on phase to GIZ The contract for the follow-on phase by GIZ"s commissioning party.
Mehr anzeigen Informationen über die Begrenzung der Zahl der einzuladenden Bewerber
Maximale Anzahl: 5
Objektive Kriterien für die Auswahl der begrenzten Anzahl von Bewerbern:
“1. Technical experience
- Energy management in municipalities (20% weighting)
- Energy management software developement (20% weighting)
- Energy auditing of...”
Objektive Kriterien für die Auswahl der begrenzten Anzahl von Bewerbern
1. Technical experience
- Energy management in municipalities (20% weighting)
- Energy management software developement (20% weighting)
- Energy auditing of public infrastructure (5% weighting)
- Training developement on energy related topics (5% weighting)
2. Regional experience in Northern Africa (30 % weighting)
3. Experience of development projects (at least 50 % ODA-financed) (20 % weighting)
Mehr anzeigen Informationen über Optionen
Optionen ✅
Beschreibung der Optionen:
“It is possible to continue key elements of each work package specified in the tender, together or separately, as part of a follow-on measure within the...”
Beschreibung der Optionen
It is possible to continue key elements of each work package specified in the tender, together or separately, as part of a follow-on measure within the context of the basic project and/ or to assign additional services in a similar extent by way of a contract amendment to the contractor.
Precondition is the award of the follow-on phase to GIZ The contract for the follow-on phase by GIZ"s commissioning party.
Rechtliche, wirtschaftliche, finanzielle und technische Informationen Bedingungen für die Teilnahme
Liste und kurze Beschreibung der Bedingungen:
“1. Trading name and address, commercial register number.
2. Eligibility declaration that no grounds for exclusion in Section 123, 124 of the German Act...”
Liste und kurze Beschreibung der Bedingungen
1. Trading name and address, commercial register number.
2. Eligibility declaration that no grounds for exclusion in Section 123, 124 of the German Act Against Restraints of Competition (GWB) apply.
3. Eligibility declaration subcontractors if applicable.
4. Association clause if applicable.
Mehr anzeigen Wirtschaftliche und finanzielle Leistungsfähigkeit
Liste und kurze Beschreibung der Auswahlkriterien:
“1. Average annual turnover for the last three years at least 200.000,00 EUR.
2. Number of employees as at 31.12 of the previous year at least 5 persons.” Technische und berufliche Fähigkeiten
Liste und kurze Beschreibung der Auswahlkriterien:
“1. At least 2 reference projects in the technical field Municipal Energy Management/ Energy transition at Municipal Level and at least 2 reference projects...”
Liste und kurze Beschreibung der Auswahlkriterien
1. At least 2 reference projects in the technical field Municipal Energy Management/ Energy transition at Municipal Level and at least 2 reference projects in the region Northern Africain the last 3 years.
2. The technical assessment is only based on reference projects with a minimum commission value of 20.000,00 EUR.
Verfahren Art des Verfahrens
Wettbewerbliches Verfahren mit Verhandlung
Informationen über die Reduzierung der Anzahl von Lösungen oder Angeboten während der Verhandlungen oder des Dialogs
Rückgriff auf ein gestaffeltes Verfahren, um die Zahl der zu erörternden Lösungen oder zu verhandelnden Angebote schrittweise zu verringern
Informationen zur Verhandlung
Der Auftraggeber behält sich das Recht vor, den Auftrag auf der Grundlage der ersten Angebote zu vergeben, ohne Verhandlungen zu führen
Administrative Informationen
Frist für den Eingang von Angeboten oder Teilnahmeanträgen: 2021-11-01
12:00 📅
Voraussichtliches Datum der Versendung der Aufforderungen zur Angebotsabgabe oder zur Teilnahme an die ausgewählten Bewerber: 2021-11-18 📅
Sprachen, in denen Angebote oder Teilnahmeanträge eingereicht werden können: Englisch 🗣️
Sprachen, in denen Angebote oder Teilnahmeanträge eingereicht werden können: Französisch 🗣️
Ergänzende Informationen Informationen über elektronische Arbeitsabläufe
Die elektronische Bestellung wird verwendet
Zusätzliche Informationen
“Communication / questions can only be submitted using GIZ's eProcurement Tender Platform for the award of contracts.
Bekanntmachungs-ID: CXTRYY6YA87” Körper überprüfen
Name: Die Vergabekammern des Bundes
Postanschrift: Villemombler Straße 76
Postort: Bonn
Postleitzahl: 53123
Land: Deutschland 🇩🇪
Telefon: +49 2289499-0📞
E-Mail: vk@bundeskartellamt.bund.de📧
Fax: +49 2289499-163 📠
URL: https://www.bundeskartellamt.de🌏 Verfahren zur Überprüfung
Genaue Informationen über Fristen für Überprüfungsverfahren:
“According to Article 160, Section 3 of the German Act Against Restraint of Competition (GWB), application for review is not permissible insofar as
1. the...”
Genaue Informationen über Fristen für Überprüfungsverfahren
According to Article 160, Section 3 of the German Act Against Restraint of Competition (GWB), application for review is not permissible insofar as
1. the applicant has identified the claimed infringement of the procurement rules before submitting the application for review and has not submitted a complaint to the contracting authority within a period of 10 calendar days; the expiry of the period pursuant to Article 134, Section 2 remains unaffected,
2. complaints of infringements of procurement rules that are evident in the tender notice are not submitted to the contracting authority at the latest by the expiry of the deadline for the application or by the deadline for the submission of bids, specified in the tender notice
3. complaints of infringements of procurement rules that first become evident in the tender documents are not submitted to the contracting authority at the latest by the expiry of the deadline for application or by the deadline for the submission of bids,
4. more than 15 calendar days have expired since receipt of notification from the contracting authority that it is unwilling to redress the complaint.
Sentence 1 does not apply in the case of an application to determine the invalidity of the contract in accordance with Article 135, Section 1 (2). Article 134, Section 1, Sentence 2 remains unaffected.
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Quelle: OJS 2021/S 192-500111 (2021-09-29)
Bekanntmachung über vergebene Aufträge (2022-03-31) Objekt Umfang der Beschaffung
Gesamtwert der Beschaffung (ohne MwSt.): EUR 170 320 💰
Qualitätskriterium (Bezeichnung): Total number of points achieved according to technical assessment
Qualitätskriterium (Gewichtung): 70
Preis (Gewichtung): 30.00
Verfahren Administrative Informationen
Frühere Veröffentlichungen zu diesem Verfahren: 2021/S 192-500111
Titel: Auftragsvergabe IDE-E
Datum des Vertragsabschlusses: 2022-03-31 📅
Informationen über Ausschreibungen
Anzahl der eingegangenen Angebote: 1
Anzahl der eingegangenen Angebote von KMU: 1
Anzahl der eingegangenen Angebote von Bietern aus anderen EU-Mitgliedstaaten: 0
Anzahl der eingegangenen Angebote von Bietern aus Nicht-EU-Mitgliedstaaten: 1
Anzahl der auf elektronischem Wege eingegangenen Angebote: 1
Name und Anschrift des Auftragnehmers
Name: Ide-e
Postanschrift: In den Sterinreben 8c
Postort: Reinach
Postleitzahl: CH-4153
Land: Schweiz 🇨🇭
E-Mail: vdecroocq@ide-e.org📧
Region: Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera 🏙️
Der Auftragnehmer ist ein KMU ✅ Angaben zum Wert des Auftrags/der Partie (ohne MwSt.)
Gesamtwert des Auftrags/Loses: EUR 170 320 💰