Beschreibung der Beschaffung
Together with GIZ as the Contracting Authority and the AU Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD) and the Central Corridor Secretariat (CCTTFA) as beneficiaries, the Tenderer will be jointly implementing activities to contribute to climate resilient and low carbon infrastructure development linked to intra-African Trade in the Central Corridor (CC).
The overall objective of this ToR is to provide technical advisory services for at least 8 infrastructure projects and to mobilize further funding for at least 4 projects in the Central Corridor via an Expert Service Pool (ESP). The Consultant is responsible for providing and achieving the following work packages (please consult ToR for detailed explanation and context):
Work Package 1: Advisory services for project preparation related to the Central Corridor have been provided by the Service Delivery Mechanism (i.e., the SDM is an operational technical advisory instrument of AUDA-NEPAD to bring infrastructure projects towards bankability) Expert Service Pool (ESP)
Milestone 1.1: Provision of technical advisory to identify gaps and advance project to the next stage to access financial support (including climate finance options) for at least 8 infrastructure projects related to the Central Corridor
Milestone 1.2: At least 4 project applications for further financial support (including climate finance options) have been submitted to suitable funding institutions and funding received for at least 4 projects
Work Package 2: The SDM Green Track has been developed and is recognized by relevant industry actors
Milestone 2.1: The SDM Quick Check Methodology (QCM, consult ToR for detailed explanation) is enhanced to feature diagnostic aspects to better plan and develop low carbon, climate resilient and trade supporting infrastructure
Milestone 2.2: The enhanced SDM QCM (i.e., "SDM Green Track") is applied to at least 20 projects related to the Central Corridor including the production of corresponding SDM QCM Notification Reports
Milestone 2.3: The SDM Green Track has been presented to Climate Finance funding institutions for sounding, feedback and endorsement
Work Package 3: Capacity Building measures on how to advise infrastructure projects technically are implemented
Milestone 3.1: Technical staff of AUDA-NEPAD and CCTTFA have strengthened their technical advisory competencies to consult Member States on green infrastructure development
With the GIZ Support Programme Green Infrastructure Corridors for intra-African Trade, GIZ continues to support SDM TA services to AU Member States. As outlined above, the Central Corridor will form the geographical focus and climate resilient and low carbon infrastructure development linked to intra-African Trade the strategic focus of the GIZ Support Programme. The core of SDM TA via AUDA-NEPAD to AU MS is framed upon available consultancy expertise in form of the SDM ESP which operationalization have been funded and technically supported by GIZ for the last three years.
The beneficiary institutions of the Consultancy Services is the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD) based in Midrand, South Africa and the Central Corridor Transit Transport Facilitation Agency (CCTTFA) based in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. The Contracting Authority is the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (German International Cooperation, GIZ) through the GIZ Support Programme Green Infrastructure Corridors for intra-African Trade, based in Pretoria, South Africa.