Beschreibung der Beschaffung
Apart from funding, EIT Health provides comprehensive support for innovations that show the potential to have a positive impact on healthcare. The ultimate goal is to transform promising ideas into commercially viable products through a multi-disciplinary approach, involving business, medicine, IT and other fields of knowledge.
EIT Health operates through recruiting collaborative projects to its portfolio ( by publishing once a year a call for proposals in business creation, education and innovation programmes. Only project consortia consisting of EIT Health Partners (from 2 different European countries at least) can apply.
In the Call for proposals 2022 EIT Health for start-up driven Innovation project, the Start-up Amplifier Instrument is available. It provides the opportunity for start-ups at the core of an Innovation project to benefit from extended funding of up to EUR 500 000 EUR in Innovation projects in return for an option to assume shares in the start-up in the case of certain ‘financial events’. This instrument contributes to EIT Health's sustainability strategy and makes EIT Health a magnet for healthcare and life sciences Start-ups in Europe for the benefit of our Partners.
In the evaluation process (please see Annex 3 for the overview of the EIT Health's evaluation process), EIT Health will evaluate the proposal itself (as it currently does) and the start-up through a due diligence process. Both elements will be considered to define the level of success of an Innovation project. If start-up passes the due diligence (none or minor issues identified during due diligence) it will be considered for EIT funding as a part of an Innovation proposal. If start-up does not pass the due diligence (major issues identified during due diligence), Innovation proposal will not be considered for EIT funding.
In parallel with due diligence, a valuation analysis should take place. Valuation analysis should use the established methodologies and result in the pre-money valuation number, that will be communicated to the start-up before it presents Innovation proposal at the hearings.
Additionally, a start-up can select up to two milestones that allow valuation increase during an Innovation project duration (i. e. 3 years), given that the pre-defined milestones that significantly de-risk the project/start-up are achieved. This is an optional offer available to the funded start-ups. In case a start-up pursues this offer, an additionally required valuation analysis will be performed following the funding decision to define the valuation increase associated with the timely achievement of milestone(s). The base valuation and milestone-related valuation increase will be fixed at the time of the signature of the Option Agreement between EIT Health and start-up (prior to the project start).
Moreover, it is possible that the start-up is not incorporated at the time of the call deadline and it will not be possible to perform due diligence and valuation analysis for such start-up prior to the hearings. In such cases, the due diligence and valuation analysis will be performed after the start-up is incorporated (after October 1, 2021).
Finally, when start-up's valuation milestone(s) get achieved, the review and validation of the milestone achievement will take place. The clinical and technological validation will be performed by separately contracted experts outside of the scope of this tender, however, from the business side it will be required to review the start-up's business plan and financials to ensure it follows its business plan in line with the assumptions considered in the milestone-related valuation analysis.
To deliver these services, EIT Health seeks to engage a service provider who will perform due diligence and valuation analysis for the start-ups that as a part of an innovation project with start-up amplifier are invited to the hearings and/or funded through the Call.
The following services are subject of the contract, in particular within these tentative timeframes:
— preparation work: between 26 April 2021 — 3 May 2021,
— for the first wave of start-ups (between 15 and 30 start-ups):
• valuation analysis: between 3 May 2021 — 18 May 2021;
• due diligence: between 19 May 2021 — 4 June 2021.
— milestone-related valuation analysis (between 3 and 6 start-ups, sub-set of start-ups from the first wave): between 15 September 2021 — 30 September 2021
— for the second wave of start-ups (between 0 and 6 start-ups):
• Due Diligence: between 8 October 2021 — 15 October 2021;
• valuation analysis: between 15 October 2021 — 22 October 2021;
• milestone-revalue valuation analysis: between 22 October 2021-29 October 2021.
— validation of the milestone achievement (business side): individual timeline per each start-up"s milestone plan, between 1 and 8 validations per year (in total).
In case of a contract renewal for the years 2022 and 2023, the timeline and number of start-ups might deviate from the ones described above. The tentative timeline and expected number of start-ups will be communicated as a part of the extension confirmation.
The expected maximum number of the various types of services to be provided per year will not exceed:
— due diligence assessments — 36,
— valuation analyses (including milestone-related valuation analyses) — 48,
— validations of milestone achievement — 8.