Liste und kurze Beschreibung der Auswahlkriterien
Information related to staff:
- Number of employees in full time employment (FTE) in 2018, 2019, 2020
- Number of employees and temporary employees per department 2018, 2019, 2020 (Production, Research & Developement (R&D), Service & Maintenance, Other, Sum)
Corporate key figures:
- Financial information for 2020, 2019, 2018 in Euro (Revenue, Profit before tax (EBIT), Total assets, Equity, Investments in R&D)
- Turnover distribution according to regions in % (Europe, Asia, America, Africa)
- Annual financial reports for the past three years
- Data protection according to German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and DSGVO
> Applicability of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
> Acting in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
- Legal Information/Insurance
> Judgments, lawsuits, arbitration proceedings or other pending proceedings/claims
> Company shareholder of an utility
> Business liability insurance
> Personal damage coverage (insurance company, expiring date, coverage amount)
> Material damage coverage (insurance company, expiring date, coverage amount)
> Property damage coverage (insurance company, expiring date, coverage amount)
> Environmental Protection insurance (insurance company, expiring date, coverage amount)
- Quality management (QM):
> Quality management system standards
> Certification of QM
> Quality management officer
- Environmental management
> Environmental protection policies
> Environmental management system standards
> Certiification of environmental management
> Environmental management officer
> Document environmental protection measures and results
> Pending proceedings for environmental violations
> Measures for climate protection and environmental sustainability
- Compliance
> Organisational and procedural measures
- Sustainability/ Corporate Social Responsibility
> Principles of sustainable corporate governance
> Publication of sustainability reports
- Occupational health and safety
> Product range
> Occupational health and safety standards
> System to monitor and review compliance with Occupational health and safety standards
> Evaluation and selection of subcontractors for occupational health and safety standards
- Social and ethical standards with regard to your suppliers/sub-suppliers
> Commitment of sub-suppliers to principles of internationally recognized social or ethical standards
> Demonstration of compliance with internationally accepted labor standards when evaluating and selecting subsuppliers
- Declarations:
> Declaration pursuant to § 123 of the Act against Restraints of Competition (GBW)
> Corresponding judgement or legally binding administrative decision due to § 123 GWB
> Self-purification after responding judgement or legally binding administrative decision based on §123 GWB
> Declaration pursuant to § 124 of the Act against Restraints of Competition (GBW)
> Self-purification after responding judgement or legally binding administrative decision based on §124 GWB
> Affirmation of paying employees according to the legal requirements
> Declaration on required declarations and evidence