Liste und kurze Beschreibung der Auswahlkriterien
List and brief description of selection criteria, specification of necessary information and documents: please provide your information according the requests with clear dedication.
Annual financial reports for the past 3 years. In case of a consortium, please provide the financial reports of participating shareholding companies.
Data protection according to German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and DSGVO. Is the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) in combination with the General Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO) in its most recent version applicable for your products and services? — If yes, can you confirm to act according to the valid federal data protection act in the event of an order?
Legal Information/Insurance Are there any judgments, claims, arbitration proceedings or other pending proceedings/ claims against your company or, if professionally arranged, its employees or legal representatives?: If so, please explain this briefly here.
Are your company shareholder of an utility?: If so, please enter the name of the utility.
Has your company taken out business liability insurance?
Is personal damage covered by the insurance?: If so, please enter the name of the insurance company and the expiry date of the insurance policy (DD/MM/YYYY) here. If so, please fill in the field here — Coverage (in Euro).
Is material damage covered by the insurance?: If so, please enter the name of the insurance company and the expiry date of the insurance policy (DD/MM/YYYY) here. If so, please fill in the field here — Coverage (in Euro).
Is property damage covered by the insurance?: If so, please enter the name of the insurance company and the expiry date of the insurance policy (DD/MM/YYYY) here. If so, please fill in the field here — Coverage (in Euro).
Has your company Environmental Protection insurance in place?: If so, please enter the name of the insurance company and the expiry date of the insurance policy (DD/MM/YYYY) here. If so, please fill in the field here Coverage (in Euro).
Quality management Is a quality management system in place in your company?: If so, please enter standard, such as ISO 9001.
Is your QM certified?: If so, please attach certificate.
Is there a quality management officer in your company?: If so, please enter the name and contact details of the officer.
Environmental management Is an environmental management system in place in your company?: If so, please enter standard, such as ISO 14001, EMAS.
Is your environmental management system certified?: If so, please attach certificate.
Is there an environmental management officer in your company?: If so, please enter the name and contact details of the officer.
Does your company document environmental protection measures and results?
Are there pending proceedings against your company for environmental violations?
Measures for climate protection and environmental sustainability must be specified or described by the applicant himself as well as by reference.
Supporting documents.
Occupational health and safety Is an occupational health and safety in place in your company?: If so, please enter standard, such as OHSAS 18001.
Has your company implemented a system to monitor and/or reviewing compliance with Occupational health and safety standards?
Is the evaluation and selection of subcontractors based on occupational health and safety standards?
Corporate Social Responsibility Social and ethical standards with regard to your suppliers/sub-suppliers
Do you require your sub-suppliers to commit to principles of internationally recognized social or ethical standards?: If so, please mention standards such as SA 8000, Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) Base Code, Investors in People, Global Reporting Initiative or UN Global Compact.
Can your company demonstrate that compliance with internationally standards are taken into account when evaluating and selecting sub-suppliers?