Beschreibung der Beschaffung
Los 5: Wartung CheckPoint
Die KZV BW setzt zur Absicherung der Infrastruktur vor Angriffen von außen die Next Generations Firewalls von CheckPoint ein.
Um aktuelle funktionale und sicherheitsrelevante Softwareupdates nutzen zu können, den Zugriff auf den technischen Support des Herstellers zu ermöglichen und einen Vor-Ort-Hardware Austausch Service zu nutzen soll ein Software und Hardware Support Vertrag mit einem Service Provider geschlossen werden.
Ermittlung des Bedarfs:
Software Support Renewal:
- 1 x (CPES-SS-PREMIUM) CheckPoint Premium Direct Enterprise Software Support Renewal for:
- 2 x Endpoint Container for 101 to 1000 Seats
- 1 x SandBlast Agent Basic Package
- 2 x Endpoint Security VPN Software Blade
- 1 x Next Generation Security Management Software for 25 gateways
- 1 x (CPEP-SBA-BASIC-REN-1Y) CheckPoint SandBlast Agent Basic Package Provides Endpoint Advanced Threat Prevention incl. Anti Bot, Anti Virus & Forensics
- Number of Seats: 50
Subscription Renewal:
- 1 x (CPEBP-NGTX) CheckPoint Enterprise Based Protection Next Generation Threat Extraction (Incl. Anti Bot, Application Control, Anti Spam,Anti Virus, IPS & URL Filtering, Threat Emulation& Threat Extraction) Subscription Renewal for:
- 2 x 1430 Security Appliance (without Sandblast: Threat Emulation & Threat Extraction)
- 2 x 1450 Security Appliance
- 2 x 5400 NGTX Security Appliance
- 1 x (CPSB-COMP-25-1Y) CheckPoint Compliance Blade Managing up to 25 gateways Subscription renewal for Next Generation Security Management Software for 10 gateways
- 1 x (CPBS-EVS-10-1Y) CheckPoint SmartEvent & SmartReporter Blade Subscription renewal for Next Generation Security Management Software for 10 gateways
Hardware Support Renewal:
- 1 x (CPES-SS-PREMIUM-ADD) CheckPoint Premium Direct Enterprise Hardware Support Renewal for:
- 4 x Rack shelf for dual 1400 and 700 appliances
- 1 x Rack shelf for dual 3000 gateways or single 2200 gateway
- 2 x 1430 Security Appliance
- 2 x 1450 Security Appliance
- 2 x 5400 NGTX Security Appliance
Hardware Replacement:
- 2 x 24x7 Premium Support und 24x7x4 Advanced Replacement (EU) für CheckPoint 1430 Security Appliances
- 2 x 24x7 Premium Support und 24x7x4 Advanced Replacement (EU) für CheckPoint 1450 Security Appliances
- 2 x 24x7 Premium Support und 24x7x4 Premium Support 24x7x4 Onsite (DE) für CheckPoint 5400 Security Appliances
Die Vertragslaufzeit für das Los 5 beginnt am 01.01.2022 und endet am 31.12.2022 (1 Jahr).