Beschreibung der Beschaffung
In Ninewa Governorate, the GIZ project "Strengthening resilience in dealing with crises and conflicts in Ninewa, Iraq (SRN)" aims to strengthen the resilience of vulnerable populations through the construction and rehabilitation of basic public social infrastructure, livelihood activities, as well as peacebuilding measures.
Together with GIZ SRN, the selected contractor will implement a capacity building project with young people (aged 18-35 years) in Ninewa governorate, to become skilled enumerators and mediators, who are capable of solving small-scale community disputes independently after completion of the project. The contractor will work with youth from the 5 targeted districts: Tel Afar, Mosul, Hamdaniya, Sinjar, and Tel Kaif (200 youth in total) with the overall objective of establishing a sustainable community of practice of young peacebuilding practitioners and mediators.
Young people are increasingly recognized as a key stakeholder for inclusive peace processes on the local and national level, their actual contribution and chances for direct engagement in conflict transformation remain very limited. Especially real-life opportunities to engage first-hand in conflict transformation, including through dialog, mediation, and peace talks, are rare. Whereas there is a well-established cadre of experienced facilitators like the "Network of Iraqi Facilitators" and peace negotiation practitioners in Iraq, what is missing is a younger cohort of peace practitioners that bring not only a professional approach to conflict transformation but also the young generation"s perspective to the negotiation table.
This project aims at giving youth the opportunity to be involved in both, creating informed evidence for local conflict analysis through data collection and also addressing local disputes themselves, taking into consideration the knowledge from formal peace and conflict studies and professional approaches such as mediation, interest-based negotiation. While these techniques use resource-oriented, people-centered and inclusive approaches for conflict transformation, the young mediators should also understand, reflect and incorporate all useful elements of local and traditional conflict settlement approaches, such as the role of elders and tribal law.
Tasks to be performed by the contractor
The contractor shall develop the capacity of 200 young people to become professional enumerators for high-quality data collection, out of which the most skilled and motivated 80 youth shall be trained on more advanced conflict analysis and conflict resolution, out of which the most qualified and motivated 30 youth shall be further capacitated to become young mediators that are ready to intervene in local-level community disputes. The capacity development is supposed to involve theoretical knowledge transfer as well as in-depth practical exercises, guided real-life interventions and a study trip. The contractor will finally be responsible of establishing a community of practice, to represent the alumni of the project, promote their work as enumerators/conflict advisors/mediators and connect them to and embed them into the existing peace processes in Ninewa.
Project Objectives
Outcome indicator:
200 youth from Ninewa have increased capacities to support local, evidence-based conflict transformation processed in Ninewa province.
Output 1: 200 Youth participants are chosen and have developed their capacities on enumeration and field data collection.
1.1. A recruitment and application process to identify 200 youth is developed that allows for a sequenced selection of the three tracks for professionalization. (Target: one recruitment concept developed)
1.2. One training curriculum on data collection and enumeration is developed (Target: one curriculum)
1.3. 200 youth participants recruited and trained on enumeration and field data collection and basic principles of research, Do-No-Harm approach and conflict sensitivity, out of which 50 % are women. (Target: 200)
1.4. A survey for field data collection has been developed with GIZ SRN M&E unit that serves as the data collection tool for the young enumerators. (Target: 1)
1.5. Each young enumerator has conducted a 10-day field data collection exercise. (Target: 200 completed field data collection exercises)
Output 2: 80 youth participants are selected and trained have developed their capacities on conflict analysis and conflict management.
2.1. One modular training curriculum on conflict analysis and conflict management is developed (Target: 1 curriculum)
2.2. 80 youth participants are selected from training track one and trained on conflict analysis and management, out of which 50 % are women. (Target: 80)
Output 3: 30 youth participants (out of which at least 10 are women) have been chosen and have developed their capacities on mediation
3.1. One modular training curriculum on mediation is developed (Target: 1 curriculum)
3.2 30 youth participants are selected from the training track two and trained and certified on mediation by a recognized international training institute. (Target: 30 youth certified)
3.3. 30 youth participants have participated in a study trip outside Iraq and have participated in a guided multi-day simulation of a real-life conflict. (Target: one study trip concluded)
Output 4: A community of practice has been established
4.1. An online platform for presenting the 200 alumni of the project and to promote their work as enumerators/conflict advisors/mediators has been established. (Target: one online platform)
4.2. The 200 alumni of the project (120 enumerators and 80 more advanced alumni) have been introduced to leading Iraqi and International organizations and consultancies on data collection, conflict analysis and mediation through two job fairs (Target: two job fairs conducted).